The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal
Get ready to delve into the haunting world of Weltenbrand! As they prepare for their first live gig and plan for new music, Weltenbrand is set to evolve and captivate the metal music scene.

Can you tell us about the band members and their respective roles in Weltenbrand?
We’re a Five-piece Band: Adrian (Vocals, Songwriting), Christoph (Guitar, Songwriting, Production), Pat (Guitar), Peter (Bass), Rouven (Drums)

How did the band come together, and what inspired you to create music under the name Weltenbrand?
Christoph: I started to write a demo song and record it at home to find a vocalist to growl over the song. I then found Adrian via a Facebook Group for Metal musicians and he liked it. We met later and started to write 4 Songs for our first EP „Falscher Prophet“ and went to record it in a professional recording studio. It's been a two person studio project until 2018 when they started working on their first full length Album 'Abgrund'.

Weltenbrand's music incorporates elements from various genres. What are your main influences, and how do you fuse them to create your unique sound?
Christoph: At the beginning in 2015 we were heavily influenced by Deathcore bands like Carnifex, Whitechapel, Despised Icon and even Lorna Shore way before they became so big. Later the influences started to come more from classic black metal bands like Darkthrone, Mayhem and newer black metal bands such as Dark Funeral and Akhlys.

Have you had any notable gigs, festivals, or events where you've performed? Any memorable experiences to share?
Christoph: Due to various circumstances we never played live. But we’re rehearsing a lot right now and we’ll play our first live gig in November this year.

Are there any interesting or amusing anecdotes from your journey as a band that would entertain your fans?
Christoph: Since we’ve been a studio project so far, unfortunately not.

Where was your latest EP/album recorded, and who was involved in its production?
Christoph: Our latest EP ‚UMBRUCH‘ came out in July 2022. All of the songwriting, production, mixing and mastering is done by Christoph in his own recording studio GOOD NOISE STUDIO. Adrian is writing all of the lyrics with some support by our drummer Rouven.

What inspired the themes and ethos behind your latest EP/album, "Umbruch," and what do you aim to convey through the music?
Christoph: I get inspired by Movies, TV Shows and such. Sometimes also music that doesn’t have anything to do with Metal. When I write music I think of it as an epic horror or thriller movie. Songwriting and creating an ambient, creepy or epic atmosphere is more important to me than write super technical or complicated riffs. Adrian’s lyrics discuss topics of mental illness and the abyss of the human mind.

Could you briefly describe the concepts behind some of the songs on "Umbruch," or highlight a couple of lead tracks that hold particular significance?
Adrian: The concept was to create a mixture of Blackmetal and Deathcore with a unique sound. The EP ‚Umbruch‘ was sort of an experiment to try out neu sounds and atmospheres. For example, wie incorporated the first time clean vocals.
The song ‚Prozess‘ is about a murderer who starts to realize the tragedy of what he’s done and seeks for forgiveness by the people and grant him remorse.

Your lyrics often explore mental illness and the dark aspects of the human mind. How do you approach crafting such emotive and evocative narratives?
Adrian: Due to my personal experiences I make in my job, I realized that the actual horror of life aren’t some demonic stories or murder cases you hear about in the news, but the abyss of our own mind.
Can you share a personal quote from one of the band members about Weltenbrand or your latest release?
Adrian: The EP ‚Umbruch‘ which is the german word for upheavel or a distinct change in life, shows exactly that in our music. It’s meant to mark a turning point in our sound from which we want to evolve.

As a band that started as a two-person studio project, how has your sound and creative process evolved with the addition of more members?
Christoph: I normally finish the instrumental of a song with vocals in mind. I then show it to the rest of the band and we figure out what could be changed up in order to fit the vocals better into the song or maybe change the length of some parts etc.
What are your future plans and aspirations for Weltenbrand? Any upcoming projects or new music on the horizon?
Christoph: We’ll release a new song in late autumn and in 2024 we’ll release several new songs and shoot another music video. So, lots of new music to come. We’ll also focus more on live playing.

Your studio, "Good Noise Studio," plays a crucial role in your music production. Can you tell us more about the studio's setup and its impact on the band's sound?
Christoph: The studio makes it possible to take as much time with the production as I want without having to worry about any deadlines which gives me a lot of freedom of mind. I work with Logic Pro X and use several analog gear for recording. The studio has also some of my favorite guitar amps which is always inspiring in finding new guitar tones.

How do you envision Weltenbrand's music connecting with your audience and leaving a lasting impression on them?
Adrian: We hope our audience feels like they’ve just been told an eerie story or they watched a great movie that lingers in their mind for a while, when they listen to our music.

Are there any specific themes or concepts you'd like to explore in your future releases?
Christoph: We can’t say much about that at the moment. That’s something that is steadily changing and evolving while the music is written. But it’s probably going to become a bit heavier again than our last release.
Lastly, is there anything you'd like to say to your fans and the broader music community as you continue to journey through the world of Weltenbrand?
Christoph: Just a big ‚thank you‘ to everyone who happened to listen to our music.

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