The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Discover the journey of Numidian Killing Machine, a band that infuses Extreme Metal and Speed Metal. From hardships to triumphs, explore their unique blend of history, dystopia, and their unwavering commitment to their musical identity.

Congratulations on your recent full-length release! How does it feel to have your music out there for the world to hear?

At first it’s a deliverance, because we put a lot of effort and energy into this release, we’ve been working on for a long time with many difficulties that plagued us, but that’s a great feeling to have the metal world discover our band and hear how we sound like, what we’re made of, and so far we got a great positive reception upon release.

Numidian Killing Machine is quite an intriguing name. Could you tell us about the inspiration behind the band's name and its significance?

First of all i grew up with Judas Priest and the name is an obvious reference to their album « Killing Machine », but this isn’t the only reference, being a fan of old Bolt Thrower especially the three first albums there are some tracks like « Profane Creation » whom the lyrics inspired me deeply, i added Numidian to the name because we deal with themes and topics of the antique history of Algeria when it was called Numidia, wich isn’t talked about often in cultural works and artistic pieces.

L.I.V.V, as the driving force behind the band's inception, what motivated you to start Numidian Killing Machine and blend Extreme Metal and Speed Metal?

I was off from the metalscene for approximately 10 years busy with many events, then i was done and resolved my professional goals i returned to music, i wanted to from aproject that will honor all my musical influences, because when i was with my Black Metal project in the past i haven’t the possibility to do so, having a great number of bands and metal subgenres i loved mainly in the old school such as German Speed Thrash to Black and Death Metal so i went on with this new project.

The journey from auditions to a stable formation must have been quite a ride. Can you share some memorable moments or challenges faced during this period?

It was quite a difficult Journey because many of the musicians in our scene are not familiar with dark or speed stuff, most of them are based in melody like Iron Maiden and it’s derivative bands or whatever mainstream stuff, in addiction to the misunderstanding and hate for Extreme Metal because many think that it doesn’t go with our social traditions, but they tend to contradict theirselves by playing oriental stuff wich really doesn’t relate to the north african part of the continent we’re living in, the first professional line up that pushed things forward featured Lamine A. (Lead/Rythm Guitars), Abdou M. (Lead Guitars) (may he rest in peace), Abdou Y, (Drums) wich played on my old band, in fact my comrade and friend Lamine A. was supposed to join from the begining but he couldn’t because of his heavy schedule so he finally joined around one year later, we worked for some time on the songs but we couldn’t find a competent vocalist to perform the sound exactly as they sounded so i decided to contact you for the vocal parts of our album, a decision i’m far from regretting due to the amazing job you have done, then after the passing out of our brother Abdou M, who done a great job, some of his work is featured on the album by the way, i took the decision to replace him with a new guitar player Fares B, wich is also a talented and professional person, Abdou Y. left the country to pursue his own objectives led us to recruite S.Blaster wich also played in my old band and other internationally known bands such as yours namely Lelahell,

Your music is known to incorporate themes from Numidian history, as well as fictional dystopian and post-apocalyptic futures. What drew you to these particular themes for your lyrical content?

I had the idea to mix our Numidian history and the themes that are related to old school Extreme Metal and also found on certain genres of speed metal (first wave of Black Metal bands are also musically related to speed metal) so i divided my lyrical concept in two parts, the first part is about the Antique Numidian history and the events occuring back then such as wars, alliances, known figures such as kings and sovereigns, as the second part takes place in a post apocalytical future in a fictional land called Neo Numidia wich features a chaotic evolution of events that lead to nearly total destruction.

Algiers, Algeria, isn't often associated with Extreme Metal. How has your local environment and culture influenced your music and artistic direction?

First of all and in contrary of my generation of metalheads and musician i was more on European Metal than in U.S metal or the big four thing, bands like Venom, Bathory as well as german Thrash bands wich many were considered as Black Metal act with their early stuff such as Kreator, Sodom, Destruction, had a maggior impact in my interest into Extreme stuff i landed up on all this bands mainly because i was initiated to metal with bands such as Judas Priest and Motorhead wich in their classic releases favored Speed stuff, ieven loved European Death Metal and scandinavian Death Metal bandssuch as Unleashed and Grave, nack in time it was difficult to find people who share the same tastes as you on our environement mostly were on Cannibal Corpse like stuff when it comes to extreme stuff, for the culture at first i didn’t consider including local cultural elements on my old Band, but having extended my knowledge in our Amazigh Chaoui culture and Numidian history i began aware of what i could do with such historical concepts and ideas.  

Could you elaborate on your songwriting process? How do you approach creating music that incorporates such diverse themes?

As i always said, we are not a traditional metal band or a band that include folkloric elements we’re a pure metal band and we’re not considering changing our direction, so when writing a song that corresponds to what we feel at the moment and of course corresponds to the genre we’re in, we listen to it and try to get it as one with a specific thematic of our concept, if it corresponds to a historical fact or an imaginary adaptiation of a story, in the album tracklist we tried to maintain a certain homogeneity throughout the songs, some are brutal others less and some are mid tempo or slow paced, of course we can do far more extreme and brutal than this but we aren’t feeling about it right now.


Mixing Extreme Metal and Speed Metal is a unique combination. How do you balance these genres to create your distinctive sound?

It is clear that we put a step forward into honoring our influences and paying musical tribute to bands that made us what we are now and this combination of styles is more than appropriate to do so, by Extreme Metal we mean subgenres such as Death and Black Metal, we take the energy of both this genres to recreate for example a brutal battle that lead to tragic events as well as athmospheric and dark stuff, Speed Metal intervene in the way the songs are fast paced with alternate and tremolo picking and this element is present on all the songs thus creating a certain homogeinity, wich give you the auditive sensation that all genres are working together as one entity.

Tell us about a specific track from your recent album that holds significant meaning to the band and the themes you explore.

If i had to choose a track, i’d go with « BLOOD AND IRON – THE REBORN KREATION » because it works a s a summary of our concept and music, it relates historical facts of the past and their projection in the post apocalyptic future, and the track is also an excellent opener to the album and an introduction to the band.

Your lyrics delve into Numidian history. How do you research and incorporate historical elements into your music in a way that resonates with your audience ?

I’ve read many books about our history in particular, and never miss an opportunity to go to the Auressian landscape, i’m there on every celebration of the Amazigh new year « Yennayer », i learned a lto from the population there and the nature, i sat there on the highest peaks of the Auressian mountains observing from a far the ancient Numidian ruins imagining a kind of soundtrack to all of that, you know it is difficult to get all of this together when you’re into a pure metal act, every musician would have gone into traditional and folkloric stuff with instruments such as « Derbouka » and « Karkabou » or worse into oriental stuff wich i consider a total lack of respect to our antique culture.
Then we have the second part of the work of the concept where we project all of that in this post apocalyptical future thing, reimagining how those past personalities are recreated, or the ideological remnants of their passage.
When it comes to our audience, we put many elements and influences in order to make them feel home when they listen to our work, and by doing that they will consequently develop an interest to our message, and sit there with the lyrics to understand history, by the way on our lyrics that are mainly in english we use some of the Chaoui variant of the Amazigh language wich is the closest dialect to the Amazigh Numidian Language, well the audience definitely don’t have to worry about our musical direction in the future we’ll stay faithful to ourselves and our culture.


Dystopian and post-apocalyptic themes often reflect contemporary concerns. How do you infuse these themes with your personal perspectives and messages?

Of course we do so, we have this eternal wandering of «If this remained like that » or the « If history continued as it was »and this wandering led us to develop a lyrical concept based on relativity on how we establish a relation between the thematics, and in every lyric we find a role to ourselves in story, so the thematics are automaticly infused by a personal view, we dont limitate ourselves to relate only what happened, we also adapt it to our music and this creates a sufficient personal view to the genre.

Musically and lyrically, who are some of your biggest influences as a band?

Some old German Speed/Thrash such as (Old) Kreator, Destruction, Exumer and mainly the so called first wave of Black Metal that musically was mainly Speed Metal pushed to limits, with bands such as Venom, (Old) Bathory, Sodom, Hellhammer/Celtic Frost, (Early) Samael as well as second wave sucha s (Old) Mayhem, (Early) Immortal, (Old) Emperor, Setherial, (Old) Sacramentum, (Old) Dissection, we are also into old school death metal such as (Early) Bolt Thrower, wich the three first albums are a significant influence both musically and visually for the artworks, also Morbid Angel, Possessed, and the mighty swedish Death Metal acts such as Unleashed, Grave, Dissmember, God Macabre, Centinex, Sorcery.

Live performances are a vital part of a band's journey. What can fans expect from a Numidian Killing Machine concert?

A lot of energy, and NO COMPROMISE !!!

Numidian Killing Machine's visual identity, including album artwork and stage presence, is striking. How do you conceptualize and execute these visual elements to complement your music?

Well i studied in hig school of arts in Algiers, and both of my parents are in culture and arts and i got in touch with arts at an early age, i also practiced photography and participated to some renowed exhibitions so i was thinking about this concept since the early stages of the band developpement, i had some difficulties with the past musicians trying to explain them because you know, in our country, visual concept and image are not understood among metal musicians due to their 90’s mainstream metal influences, but this was resolved when we found the first official line up that allowed this shoots and visual identity you saw, when talking about conceptualizing i already have an image when i write the lyrics and the graphics are only a tool to materialize the whole idea.


The Extreme Metal scene can be intense and demanding. How do you manage to keep the creative fire burning and maintain a strong sense of unity within the band?

Since we got into the first official line up that gave birth to the album, every new member is carefully selected, for good level of playing, his work, his dedication to the project and of course his musical and mental maturity, for example our beloved departed brother Abdou M. was a great example of courage, and even when he was overidden by the sickness he always asked us about how the mix sounds and how he can help reworking his parts, and he was considering participating more on the music even on advanced stages of illness, that’s the kind of musician we always needed, and i think our new line up fully understand this commitment, because despite all the difficulties we’ve had, and i honestly think that we’re the Algerian band that holds the record of difficulties over the years we managed to get it all together and finish this release thus reaching a stage of stability, we lost time and energy with non serious musicians that have no « Musical » discipline and we do not have interest on « Social Media » musicians or individuals that only talk for years about projects that never materialize and couldn’t even get it into three rehearsals, this « Auto-Sufficient » phenomenon rendered the Algerian scene inexistant in the international.

The music industry is ever-evolving, especially with the rise of digital platforms. How do you navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by today's music landscape?

Well, if it’s about the digital platforms, it helped us a lot, and we got many encouragement messages and even messages from record labels interested to sign us, and i think that continuing on that way can be a very rewarding experience, in the past it was very difficult to distribute one’s music if the project was in an independt circle, but now everyone can be the record label of himself, except if you’re on pure metal and have an inconditional love for physical copies or LP’s such as myself (laughs)

Collaboration is often a catalyst for innovation. Are there any artists or bands you'd love to collaborate with in the future?

There are many artists and to be honest i don’t have somebody in mind in particullar right now.

Looking ahead, what are Numidian Killing Machine's aspirations and goals in the coming years?

For a start, a second release hopefully, show dates, touring (why not), and also growing our fanbase

Finally, is there a message you'd like to convey to your fans and listeners who are experiencing Numidian Killing Machine's music?

Enjoy what you’re listening without any moderation, otherwise it would elad to your termination (laughs), behalf of my bandi would like to give our special thanks to all those who supported us over the years and the difficult times, allthose who gaved a sense to our cause and music, and who definitely encouraged us to go further and never give up, cheers^^

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