The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Meet DONEFOR: Blending Metalcore and Pop Punk into Energetic Harmony. From humble beginnings in Fort Myers, this upcoming band's recognition from The Call Radio has propelled them. Dive into their genre fusion, intense live energy, and their diverse upcoming album 'SLEEP ON IT' 

1. Congratulations on being named "The Call Radio 2023 upcoming artists of the year"! How does this recognition impact your musical journey?
The Call is a great non-profit radio station in Fort Myers Florida that has helped us more than we can explain. The station really helped us start our career and we are very thankful for their support!

2. Your music seamlessly blends Metalcore and Pop Punk. How do you manage to strike a balance between these two genres in your songwriting?
We enjoy both of the genres alot, so it really is about combining our likes. We write our lyrics and theme of the song then really pick the genre that fits it best.

3. Your live shows are known for their high energy. How do you maintain that level of intensity night after night? 

We love music, so if we are doing something we love then it is just easy and natural to have all of that energy flow for us. We also feed off the crowd so the more they interact the more we feel it.

4. "SLEEP ON IT" is your upcoming debut album. Could you give us some insights into the themes and emotions listeners can expect from this album?
This album is 1.5 years in the works with some of the songs coming from our lead singers solo career. We built off those songs, remixed and remastered many tracks as well as loaded in our new material to create an album that goes from metalcore to alternative rock to even acoustic tracks. The album varies greatly so we hope everyone can find a song they connect to. Whether the emotion that arrives is one that makes you want to jump or sit in a cold shower, we hope that we find our audience with this album!

5. DONEFOR's sound has been described as reminiscent of 2009 Hot Topic and a California skate park. What draws you to these influences and how do they shape your music?
While we are not punk enough for the skate park or emo enough for a Hot Topic, we try to blend both those feelings together to make music that really pays homage to songs from these eras but with a modern twist.

6. Your ability to play alongside diverse bands, from trap metal to hard rock, is impressive. How do you adapt your performances to cater to such varied audiences? 

With being such a varied band with our songs we just cater our setlist to the crowd that is there. We have songs that work in almost all aspects of rock so no matter what we can try to fit in, just a little bit, to almost any genre!

7. The transition from heavy breakdowns to catchy choruses is a hallmark of your music. Can you walk us through your creative process in achieving this balance? 

The best thing with music is the ability to feel. So creating moments is what we are about, especially for the live setting. We like making songs that incorporate movement with solos or breakdowns and then building up to a strong chorus or hook that everyone can sing to the top of their lungs. These are things crowds remember and as music fans ourselves, live for.

8. Your songs have achieved FM radio play and number one spots on local radio. How does it feel to see your music resonating with listeners on such a broad scale?
We try hard to be a personable band, one people can talk to, meet, and this has allowed our name to spread a bit easier as some really nice guys in the scene. We really just think people like us and the music we create so we thank everyone who takes a few minutes of their day to enjoy us.

9. As a band hailing from Fort Myers, how has your hometown influenced your musical journey and the sound of DONEFOR?
Fort Myers has in no way shaped our music. In a city of people more inspired to listen to Bon Jovi Cover bands we try to break the mold and make a scene for the area. We create the shows, make the lineups, set up events. We want a scene here so we are tasking ourselves with being the change we want to see.

10. "SLEEP ON IT" is about to drop. What excites you the most about this release? 

Just to celebrate having a work we can be proud of. Being able to show that we have more to our catalog is going to be nice as well.

11. Could you share a memorable fan interaction or fan-favorite moment from your live shows? 

When we opened for Buckcherry we saw such huge support. From the presales to people in the crowd with posters, singing our songs and meeting us after, it was an amazing moment for us to see/feel the love from our community.

12. With the music industry evolving rapidly, how do you see DONEFOR contributing to the evolution of Metalcore and Pop Punk? 

We listen to new tracks all the time and think “Woah, that is so sick, we need to add it to our music!”. I guess we will just become products of the time as other bands do, just with our twist.

13. What challenges have you faced as a band, and how have they contributed to your growth and resilience? 

The lack of a scene has been hard as well as a year of trying to find our recorded sound. This allowed us to work on our promoting skills as well as creating some great friendships on the way.

14. The album's title, "SLEEP ON IT," is intriguing. What's the story behind this title and its significance to the album? 

Parker originally had a name and forgot it overnight. His friend suggested the name "SLEEP ON IT” and it stuck.

15. National radio airplay for your album's songs is a big achievement. How do you hope your music will connect with listeners on a personal level?

 We make music to relate to so hearing from these people that these songs meant something to them will be nice. We hope that the heavy songs reach that fanbase and they take the positive words from.

16. Looking ahead, what are your goals and aspirations for DONEFOR in the coming years? 

We want to continue to latch on to bigger shows with touring bands as well as creating a bigger name for ourselves. We want to evolve more into heavier tracks as well as creating some solid pop punk tracks. We hope that you all give us a stream or two to get us there. Let’s Get Rowdy.




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