The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

"From Within," the upcoming EP by Fake Figures, delves into personal struggles and emotions. In this interview, Steve and Travis discuss the EP's inspiration, musical evolution, and what fans can expect in the near future. Dive into the band's introspective journey and their passion for creating meaningful music.

1. Congratulations on the upcoming EP, 'From Within.' Can you tell us more about the inspiration behind the title and the overall theme of the EP?
Steve - Thanks so much! "From Within" is essentially a blend of my feelings and personal struggle put to song. I wouldn't say there is an overall theme to the Ep, I just wrote the songs to reflect how they made me feel at the time I was writing them.

2. "Miasmatic" is your latest single. Could you share the story behind this track and what it means to you personally?
Steve - Miasmatic speaks to the frustration I have with society these days. I feel like there's so much "noise" out there, that it's difficult to sift through the toxic mess that is constantly pushed down our throats, through social media, news outlets, and the political agendas of the elite.

3. This EP marks the debut of Steve Ludwig as the band's vocalist. What prompted this transition from drummer to frontman, and how has it influenced your approach to the music?
Travis - It was basically the most logical step to take after we parted ways with Rus. Steve did a fair share of background vocals and harmonies on our previous releases so it was kind of a no-brainer. Steve’s range as a vocalist is really broad. He can do it all.

4. Your sound has been described as a fusion of heavy rock with experimental elements. Can you elaborate on how you've evolved your sound over the years and what sets 'From Within' apart from your previous releases?
Travis - I think we’ve had a very slow evolution in sound and vibe. I think the music gets more interesting and clever with every release without making too many hard left turns.

5. What was the creative process like while working on 'From Within'? Are there any memorable moments or challenges you faced during the recording and production?
Travis - I kinda just pick up a guitar with no real agenda and play/write. We have a friend who helps us demo out songs as we write them. He throws in his two cents and helps guide us if needed, but for the most part, I put blinders on and just play. Steve had his work cut out for him when writing vocals. The riffs I write are a little unorthodox and left-of-center, so it was a bit of a challenge for him. When all was said and done, he succeeded with flying colors.

6. Can you share any anecdotes from your time in the studio with producer Kris Comeaux and mastering by Mike Kalajian?
Travis - We’ve known and have worked with Kris for a number of years now. We all came up in the same “scene”. He’s familiar with how we work and understands what we’re trying to do.

7. 'From Within' is your first release since 2019's 'We Are The Dead.' How has the band evolved musically and personally during this hiatus?
Travis - We had a bit of a lineup change, so that throws a new dynamic into the equation. As we touched on before, Steve Ludwig has moved from behind the drum kit to being the frontman. Our new drummer Matt Horwitz comes from the OC scene as well. He kills it.

8. The tracklist for 'From Within' includes songs like "Burn The Tyrants," "Best Intentions," and "Polymer." Can you give us a glimpse into the lyrical themes of these tracks and what inspired them?
Steve - As I said above, the inspiration for all of these tracks is simply me. What's going on in my head at any given time. My feelings about myself, the world we live in, and the struggle in between.

9. Fake Figures has garnered a solid fanbase on Spotify. How do you feel about the response to your music and the impact it has had on your journey as a band?
Travis - Bob Bradley and I started Fake Figures with no real agenda or expectations. It’s basically a passion project for fun. We aren’t expecting world domination or anything like that, but the fact that we actually do have a modest fan base is really cool.

10. You've described your sound as influenced by bands like Alice In Chains and Queens of the Stone Age. What other artists or genres have played a significant role in shaping your music?
Travis - All of us have a broad range of influences. Stoner/doom, hardcore, metal, ambient, punk, pop…it’s all in there.

11. Travis, as a guitarist, what gear and equipment do you find essential to achieving your signature sound in Fake Figures?
Travis - I’ve never been much of a gear nerd. I do like keeping my ear to the ground as far as what’s out there gear-wise, but I don’t have an essential piece of gear that I absolutely must have. Usually, it’s just whatever sounds good to my ear at the time.

12. Steve, now as the vocalist, how do you approach songwriting and performing differently compared to your previous role as the drummer?
Steve - Well, when I was drumming for the band, the songs were written mostly by Travis, and then he would bring them to the table, Rus would write the lyrics, and we would all throw our own magic in there. Moving up front, I'm now in charge of writing the lyrics(mostly), and creating the overall vibe of the track. It's been a challenge, but also great to get back behind the mic. Performing these songs won't be much different, other than the obvious, I'm sure I'll be just as gross and sweaty as I was from behind the drum kit.

13. The lyric video for "Miasmatic" was directed by David Provan. Can you share more about the creative collaboration for this video and its significance to the song?
Steve - David was someone that we met through Travis' and Atreyu's experience using him on videos they had done previously. As a band we all agreed that his work was amazing, and we knew he was the guy. We sent David the artwork and a few promo photos, and he got to work. As far as creative collaboration goes, we trusted David's judgment of where to take this artistically. We sent a few notes back and forth, but overall, it was David who worked his magic.

14. Looking ahead, what are your expectations and hopes for the future of Fake Figures, both in terms of your music and live performances?
Travis - We’ve always just taken things as they come. We don’t have management or any kind of booking working for us, so it’s very DIY. Hopefully we’ll be able to garner some buzz once the EP’s out and with luck, opportunities will present themselves. We haven’t played a show with this lineup yet, so we’re all really excited to see how things pan out.

15. Can you tell us about any upcoming projects or collaborations we can expect from Fake Figures? Travis - We’re planning on releasing another EP in the near future. Most of the music has already been recorded actually. Just gotta put Steve to work on getting the vocals done. I’m out on tour with Atreyu right now, but as soon as I get back, Fake Figures will get together to start rehearsing for some live shows in October.

16. Finally, what message do you hope listeners take away from 'From Within,' and what can fans look forward to from Fake Figures in the near future?
Steve - I spent a lot of time trying to dig deep and create something meaningful. I hope listeners can simply relate with the songs. Perhaps not feel like they're the only ones feeling lost, or a little broken. Sometimes it's comforting to know you're not alone, and not that misery loves company, but that there is strength in numbers. Looking forward, we are planning on playing a bunch of shows, and still have a few songs in the works.

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