The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

In this interview, XIII Doors shares insights into their high-energy music, unique blend of influences, and their mission to inspire listeners to lead happier lives through their music. They also discuss their journey as a band, the creative process, and their aspirations for the future.

1.Congratulations on the upcoming release of your debut single, "Lead The Way." Can you tell us about the inspiration behind this high-energy track?

Thank you! The track was actually the last one written for the album, and really the inspiration behind it was that we needed a good high-energy, upbeat single to get the ball rolling and we didn't really have that. After some noodling around on the guitar the main riff came out and the whole first draft of the song came together in one evening.

2."Lead The Way" seems to carry a powerful message of determination and self-belief. What message do you hope listeners take away from the song?

We really hope that this track can inspire people to lead a life that they want to lead. There will always be obstacles, things won't always be easy. Nonetheless, it's important to forget about the past and continue on the path that you want to lead. If the track can inspire one person to do that then our job is done!

3.How did XIII Doors come together as a band, and what inspired the choice of the name "XIII Doors"?

We have all played together in different projects on and off over the last few years and just decided to finally sit down and write some original material. The name itself has been around since about 2015, I can't remember exactly where it came from but I think it came from growing up in number "13" on the street where I grew up.

4.DJ, you have a diverse musical background. How did your experiences in different bands and theatrical productions influence the sound of XIII Doors?

Playing in cover bands and theatre shows definitely helped me with musical discipline. I've had the opportunity to play with great rhythm sections over the years and slowly realised how incredibly important it is to be locked together when you're playing. In terms of influencing XIII Doors' sound, I think a lot of that just comes from hanging around with other musicians and sharing what music you're listening to at the time until it sneaks into your subconscious and becomes part of how you write!

5.Ed, as the producer, can you share some insights into the creative process behind recording and producing XIII Doors' music?

The aim was to capture the feel & intensity of the song & punctuate the lyrical content whilst maintaining its heavy catchy edge. We took great time in the recording process, making sure we could get the absolute most out of each part sonically which we hope can be heard in the final song.

6.Pat, you bring a wealth of experience to the band. How has your journey through the music industry shaped your approach to playing bass with XIII Doors?

Well I think the more experience you gain, the more it helps you improve your approach to each recording session or gig. What is the best thing to play for the song? How do I help improve the band? I think that's what I bring to XIII Doors.

7.Alex, your drumming style adds a unique dimension to XIII Doors' sound. Can you tell us about your musical influences and how they contribute to the band's overall sound?

I grew up listening to all the classics. You know, Led Zeppelin, Kiss, Van Halen, Motley Crue. I think that kind of flashy drum style was a great influence on me, and I try to implement it into my own playing. Drummers like Eric Singer, Tommy Lee and Alex Van Halen inspired me to play the way I do.

8.Your music is described as a blend of hard rock and heavy metal with influences from various traditions. How do you manage to fuse these different elements into a cohesive sound?

DJ here, personally I've listened to a lot of "fusion" music over the last number of years. I'm a huge fan of Revolver by the Beatles which is a great blend of East meets West. People like John McLaughlin, Steve Vai and Guthrie Govan have explored this territory before so I like to look at them for inspiration. I think Ireland has a great tradition of fusing genres too when you look at bands like Planxty so it's probably embedded somewhere without me knowing it!

9.Can you give us a glimpse into what we can expect from your upcoming debut album, set to arrive in March 2024?

We've got heavy riffs, melodic vocals and inspirational lyrics! Lead the Way is one of the heavier tracks on the album but they all definitely still sit somewhere in the hard rock/metal genre.

10.DJ, as the founder of XIII Doors, what is the overarching mission or vision you hope to achieve through your music?

I want to inspire people to lead happier lives. It's as simple as that! If our music can inspire one person or make their day better, we've done our job.

11.In your bio, it's mentioned that you've toured across Europe, the UK, and the Middle East. Can you share a memorable tour experience or a favorite show from your past?

Being on the road is just a great experience! There's a lot of sleep deprivation, soggy petrol station sandwiches and a lack of places to wash clothes but it's really good fun. Anywhere that the crowd is enjoying it is a great show for us.

12.Each member of XIII Doors seems to bring something unique to the table. How do you collaborate and bring all these influences together to create your music?

I think we've just got chemistry from the years of knowing each other and playing together. Writing songs together feels natural and everyone can add their bit.

13.What's the most challenging aspect of being a band in the modern music industry, and how do you overcome it?

Streaming is definitely a blessing and a curse in today's industry. Music has become free and disposable in today's society and very few people "buy" music anymore. The upside is that more people than ever can be exposed to your music and become a fan so it's a trade off. Whether for better or worse I think gigging or Patreon are the only way to make money nowadays in music.

14.Can you share any anecdotes or stories from the recording process of your debut single or upcoming album that stand out to you?

We recorded everything up in Red Lake Sound Studios in Portlaoise. Apart from being woken up by Emus knocking on the window (yes, real Emus), I think one moment that stands out to me is getting the solo for one of the tracks done in the very first take! It was an improvised solo and it just had that lighting in a bottle feel to it. We tried 5 or 6 takes afterwards and kept going back to the first one because it had some sort of excitement and anxiousness the other takes didn't!

15.What are your hopes and aspirations for XIII Doors in the coming years, and how do you plan to leave your mark on the music industry?

Truly, we would love to be able to make a modest living out of this. To be able to gig around the globe, meet fans and inspire people is the dream. We're hoping that over the next few years that the dream will become the reality!


(80) XIII DOORS - YouTube

XIII Doors (@xiiidoors) | TikTok


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