The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

In this engaging interview with Phil, known as Kiltro Attack, we delve into his musical journey, creative process, and the emotional core of his guitar playing. He shares insights into his upcoming instrumental single, the influence of LA on his music, and the balance between his solo career and other musical endeavors. Phil's connection to his Chilean roots and his plans for the future are also explored, along with his influences and dreams of future collaborations. Connect with him on social media to stay updated on his musical journey and upcoming releases.

1. Hi Phil, thank you for taking the time to chat with us. Let's start with your musical journey. Can you tell us what initially inspired you to pick up the guitar and start playing music?
My musical journey started pretty much in second grade, I started playing the flute I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but I was the best at it and I was paying attention to music class more than any other kid in my class, my music teacher at that point would always bring a guitar with him to the class and that's when my interest for guitar started, then I learned that my grandpa played guitar and he had one at this house so I would see him play sometimes and he would let me play random things on the guitar and I would just love it!

2. You've mentioned that your guitar playing is based on feeling. Could you elaborate on how your emotions and experiences influence your music, and how this sets you apart from other musicians?
This is hard to explain but every time that I play the guitar is because I am feeling something and I need to get it out of my body, sometimes is sadness and other times is chaos or happiness and the guitar helps me to express these emotions way better than me talking about them, so every note that I play is because I am feeling something, a lot of musicians know theory and what they play is perfectly orchestrated my music is not I just try to make it sound great but I don't know theory or harmony everything comes from my heart.

3. Your upcoming single release on Oct 10th is an exciting milestone. Can you give us a sneak peek into what we can expect from this single in terms of style and lyrical themes?
So my Single is fully instrumental so you won't find lyrics on it, but you can expect some aggressive rhythm guitar, some melodic licks but also chaos a lot of fast and chaotic licks!

4. Living in Los Angeles, you're part of a vibrant music scene. How has your time in LA shaped your music and career as a guitarist?
Oh LA is a huge inspiration and moving here was a great decision, there are so many talented artists here that I already gained a lot just talking to them about their careers and experiences, it also pushed my own career ahead it made me wanna be better and reach new levels of playing!

5. You've played in a variety of settings, from small gigs to big venues. Can you share a memorable performance experience that has had a significant impact on your musical journey?
For me was the first time that I played a real stage when I was 15 years old, I will never forget that moment it felt legit, it felt right I was doing the right thing in my life, we had sound check, green room a sound engineer and we got around 100 people to that show so it helped me grow as a musician but also realize that this is what I wanted to do with my life.

6. Many aspiring musicians look up to you for your versatility as a guitarist. What advice would you give to someone looking to become a well-rounded guitarist capable of playing different genres?
Practice, Practice and practice and play, play and play….. Play as much as you can with other people with the metronome with backing tracks just play and make friends, every experience would help you grow as a musician and guitarist and help you find your own sound!

7. As a solo artist under the name Kiltro Attack, what is your creative process like when you're working on new music? How do you go about writing and composing your songs?
A lot of the riffs that I write usually come to me when I am just sitting on the couch doing nothing I would just get an idea in my mind and I would be like lets see if I can play it on the guitar and I would noddle around until I get it down! The other approach that I use is to create or find drum tracks and then I play over them over and over and over until I come up with something that I like and then I just keep working on it! I rarely get stuck with guitar licks but for this release, it happened to me, I didn’t like one of the sections so I redid it at least 10 times until I was satisfied and even then I wasn't fully happy… but that's just me being hard with myself…

8. You've mentioned plans for your online presence. Can you share some of your strategies for building and engaging with your audience in the digital age?
I am a tiktoker haha I just love TikTok and its trends so I am planning on getting into more trends not only on tiktok but also on Instagram I like being funny and silly so if I can mix both with music is even better for me! Also for this release, I am working with different blogs and influencers to promote my music and reach more people!

9. How do you find a balance between your solo career as Kiltro Attack and your session work and guitar lessons? What challenges and rewards come with managing these different aspects of your music career?
Is hard because I love writing my own music but is also a nice break going on tour with other bands it gives me new perspective and experiences, I love any kind of music and I always get something new from other bands so it also help me with my creative process.

10. Your sound has a unique "spice" influenced by your Chilean roots. Could you tell us more about how your heritage shapes your music and what elements of Chilean culture you incorporate into your work?
Chile just like Brazil is huge for metal and rock music I feel I still have that Latin flavor and you can hear my music with my changes in tempo and guitar licks mixing fast licks but also melodic ones, for this last release is hard to hear it but is there.

11. What can fans and listeners expect from Kiltro Attack in the coming months and years? Are there any upcoming projects or collaborations you're particularly excited about?
Right now I am gonna keep releasing singles, the next one is gonna get out between Dec-Jan, I would like to release around 5 singles between now and next year, and hopefully, that's gonna help me to put my name on the map and start working with other artists and doing some releases that way as well.

12. You mentioned being a fan of rock and metal. Are there any specific rock or metal artists that have had a profound impact on your style and approach to music?
My favorite artists that I would always go back to are System of a Down, Slayer, Metallica, Slash, Led Zeppelin, and Black Sabbath… those are a few that influenced me as a guitarist a lot, and if I am lost I would always go back to them!

13. In the spirit of making new friends in the industry, are there any musicians or artists you're hoping to collaborate with in the future, either as a guitarist or for your solo project?
I would love to collaborate with Blechuga at some point he is another Chilean in the USA getting his name out there, he is more in the progressive genre but it would be a good challenge, other artists would be Loida Liuzzi, she is a Latin American guitar player super talented that it would be cool to collaborate with, and thinking more in the big schemes of things would be Nita Strauss, Steve Vai, Slash, Jimmy Page etc.

14. Finally, how can fans and fellow musicians connect with you and stay updated on your music and upcoming events? Do you have any final messages you'd like to share with your audience?
I just wanna say thank you to all of you who are supporting my career, My Family, My Wife Christina who always has my back and majority of the time is my right hand for my career, my friends on Tiktok who are there on my TikTok lives every week, and the new followers on Instagram as well and Facebook! And all the new fans just reach out to me on IG, TikTok, or FB and you will for sure get an answer-back!

Kiltro Attack

 ⚡️Kiltro Attack - Guitarist ⚡️ (@kiltroguitarist) • Instagram photos and videos


⚡️kiltro Attack | Guitarist⚡️ (@kiltroguitarist) | TikTok

(9) Kiltro Attack - Guitarist - YouTube


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