The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Dive into the sonic universe of Derik Van Hoose! Join the conversation as we explore the creative process, influences, and unique aspects that shape the musical journey of this talented artist.

1. Congratulations on the upcoming release of "Deliverance"! Can you share with us the inspiration behind the EP and what listeners can expect from this musical offering?

Thank you! I was inspired to create a song with memorable guitar riffs and melodies. Listeners can expect to listen to a classic metal sound with memorable melodies. 

2. "Deliverance" is described as a Melodic Metal project with a unique synergy of kindred spirits. How did the collaboration process unfold, and what was it like working with musicians from different backgrounds to create this EP? 

The process starts with me writing the instrumentals and melody, then leaving it with Glenn to lay the drums down on it. After this point I like to go back and clean up sections and also create a rough mix so Frederik can come in and do his thing. 

3. The project is characterized by a commitment to crafting music that resonates with people and enriches their lives. How do you personally believe "Deliverance" achieves this, and what do you hope listeners take away from the experience? 

I believe our music will resonate with people because each of us love making music for the right reasons. We want listeners to feel the thoughtfulness and passion in each song, and bring out an emotional response. 

4. Can you delve into the sonic characteristics of the EP? How did you approach the guitar tones, arrangements, and instrumentals to capture the melodic nuances of Melodic Metal, especially drawing inspiration from influential bands like In Flames?

Each song started with a rhythm guitar riff that I enjoyed and felt was a good foundation for the song. After that a lot of the writing is based on feel... I usually like to create a name for a song early on and the melody falls into place. In Flames is one of my favorite bands so it was natural that my writing emulated them and I owe a lot to Theodor Borovski of Slaughtered Studio for the guitar tones and overall sound.

5. Frederik Jensen's vocals are a prominent feature in "Deliverance." How did his singing style complement the energy and power of the instruments, contributing to the uncompromising edge of the music? 

Frederik is an incredible vocalist and I knew when I first listened to his work that he would be a perfect fit. His interests are very in line with mine and he is passionate about what he does. He was a feature on the first album that I put out with other artists and I knew I wanted to work with him again on a metal EP. 

6. The EP is described as a sonic onslaught with deep thunderous bass lines, nuanced guitar riffs, and growling vocals. Can you discuss the intentional choices made in the sound production to create this intense and unique auditory experience? 

I enjoy making guitar parts different and this is the fun part of writing music to me. My goal for each song is to give listeners an experience that hopefully peaks their interest and allows them to be able to listen to each song multiple times, hearing different aspects of each part.

7. The interplay of melodic elements and relentless intensity in the music creates a unique, emotionally charged experience. How did you balance these elements in the composition and production process to achieve such a distinctive sound? 

I try to write with feeling more than thinking too much about what I think might sound good, so I think the emotional aspect comes from my own life experiences. I believe it's more important for me to write music I want, rather than what I think others might enjoy because ultimately I want to have listeners that appreciate the songs as much as I do. 

8. The current lineup consists of yourself on guitar and bass, Frederik Jensen on vocals, and Glenn Welman on drums. How did each member's contribution shape the overall sound of "Deliverance," and what dynamics did the collaboration bring to the project? 

I've worked with Glenn on multiple songs, including other genres as well, so we have built a trusting relationship over the years. He is very talented and knows exactly what the songs need to flow effortlessly. Frederik came in later on but his ideas were spot on and I was blown away by his vocals. His vocals are brutal and also emotional, which is what I enjoy most. 

9. As a composer and guitarist, how do you see "Deliverance" fitting into the broader landscape of Melodic Metal, and do you see any particular innovations or unique aspects that set it apart from other releases in the genre? 

I think Deliverance fits into Melodic Metal because of the memorable melodies and it is unique because it was created by three different individuals in different parts of the world. Me being in the U.S , Glenn in the U.K and Frederik in Denmark. How cool is that?

10. With the release date just around the corner on November 17th, what would you like to say to your fans and potential new listeners who are eagerly anticipating the arrival of "Deliverance"? Additionally, how can they presave the EP to ensure they don't miss out on this musical experience? 

Deliverance is out now! You can listen on all platforms at:


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