The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

In this interview, we delve into the origins and evolution of The Hill is Burning, a metal band formed in November 2015 on Réunion Island. Learn about their journey, challenges, collaborations, and what to expect from their upcoming second album. Join us in exploring their unique blend of metal, inspired by both local influences and global experiences.

1. Can you tell us the story behind the formation of The Hill is Burning in November 2015? What inspired you to start the band, and how did you come up with the name?

So,After 2010, I worked on many project, and it was very difficult to work with musicians for the long period of time. In Reunions Islan,a lot of people just stay 2 or 3 years, and it's very difficult to construct a musical band for long period. By chance,technology does miracles with somes plug in,like "Drumkit from Hell",and you don't necessarily needs to play with other musicians for doing a good job,just a laptop,and you become a metal band in your bedroom!so, I started a musical journey with band like Nevermore,Keith Merrow or Aborted,and discovered the world of low tuning and seven strings guitar world. at the beginning of 2013, I composed 5 songs with 7 strings guitar,and start a project with these songs.

The name come nearly after a big incendy on the hill where we living,something big and scary,and boom 'The Hill Is Burning" was born.

2. Your journey began with the self-produced model "Wake up!" in December 2015. How did this initial release shape the direction of the band's music, and what did you learn from this early experience?

For the first record,I do all the stuff,bass guitars,drums, vocal,keyboards and production! That was very hard experience,but very interesting thing! I worked as soundtech a few years ago,and the work in the studio is easier than the live show! You can take the compare etc,you can do something wrong,and you make correction easily.The work in the studio is my favorite part,I'm sort of a geek when I start to record something hahaha!

3. It seems that the lineup of The Hill is Burning underwent changes with the arrival of Nicolas Belleville, Éric Castelnau, and David Fringue in 2019. How did these new members influence the band's sound and style?

Yes, that right! we have modify some stuff on the song,on the drums for example,we played certains parts  slower,for "The Hill Is Burning" for example,we play the song a little bit slower. I modified some lyrics,because in live,I play guitar with vocal, and you can't do all the stuff like the CD.

4. Could you describe the sound signature that emerged when the new lineup was formed, and how do you think it sets The Hill is Burning apart from other bands in the metal genre?

In first,we worked on the guitar tone. Eric play with a Mesa rectifier and I,with an EVH 5153, started with very good guitar tone base! We play with 7 strings guitars (Exoced Guitars),in B standard mode,David works with Darkglass preamp ,and two notes for the cab,and we based our tone on that! Big guitar wall, with influence of Nevermore guitare tone and bass, something audible,and for the vocal,I'm not a singer,and I work very hard for being a better vocalist, I try to approach melodic death metal groal and clean voice on certain parts. 

For the tone, i guess we'are not really different orther metal band, we played with Akiavel next week,and we compare our setup,they are pretty similar,because that works very well; We are different with the rhythm! In Réunion island, we grew up with "Maloya music", this the local genre, a lot of percussion,with a tribal touch,always play in ternair mod,you can hear that on "Light Life" or "The Dreamer", we worked on a cool stuff with one of our Song call 'Sauvage", who talking about slavery times,an acoustic metal version or something like that.

5. In 2019, you released your first album, "Last Bullet." Can you tell us about the creative process and challenges you faced during the production of this album, especially considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the music industry?

Ouch...not great period...we recorded all the stuff at home in 2018/2019, just had to master for 2020, and all our job was ruining with the covid world. At the same time, some members discovered cancer,and all the stuff around the treatement of this decease! really sucks period!

6. Despite the challenges, you managed to perform some concerts, including one with Studiotic. How did these live experiences affect the band's chemistry and performance dynamics?

We have the chance to work with a motivate team! No gig on the bar? No problem,we make them at home! Call friend with camera, call band and friends, and here we go! Despite that, I thing that broke our live works, no more concert,and works with the public relationship, was very hard, but now, we started to do better stuff,and find the confidence again!

7. The year 2021 appears to have been marked by illness, but you managed to make a comeback and play alongside other bands. What kept you motivated and inspired during this challenging period?

That's right! you got good information hahaha! So, when you are sick,you had 2 solutions,either you give up or you give up,and we choose to fight! With medics, you loose sensation in the hand for example, easy stuff are not possible to do,you have to re-learning, something easy,you're not capable to play your own song,it's not great! The family and friends is this time the better source of your energy,the only reason to never give up! 

8. Moving into 2022, The Hill is Burning embarked on creating new compositions with different sound elements and effects. Can you share some insights into the evolution of your music and the creative inspiration behind it?

Inspiration of this album is our live.Between covid restriction,stupidity of human, arrogance of politics, and ignorance of doctors,there is no shortage of topics,writing the lyrics,was the easiest part. For the music,we listened a lot of different band,of different period. Fro example a song like "Maze of Torments" of Morbid Angel,or "Gods of Hate" of Massacra for "old" band,and more actual band like Aborted,Benighted or Bleed from weethin for had a direction for the color of the album. But the inspiration of this album come from 'Interstellar" of Chris Nolan! that movie really slam my face! All in this movie is just perfect! Music,photography,characters,actors choice and the director!

9. You took a bold step by reaching out to Colin Richardson, known for his work with Machine Head and other iconic bands. Could you tell us about the decision to collaborate with him and the experience of working with his producer, Chris Clancy, for your second album?

When you going across a disease period, you discover the live is short! And after that, you have to do what you really want to do! Colin produced a major parts of bands I listened all our life! Burn my eyes,Extreme condition of Brutal truth,Necroticism of Carcass,Sign of Decline of Massacra of many others! When I learned the metal tone quest on the internet, 2 names came out each time, Colin Richarson and Andy Sneap! On many forums,they gave a lot of advices for got a better solution on album production. So,after many hours on the web, I've finding the contact of Colin,and send him an email,after few weeks,he send us to Chris,they works together ,and he got the "Richarson tone",you can hear his work on the last Machine Head or with Kill The Lights!


10. Your singles "The Dreamer," "From Away," and "Your Own You" have achieved significant success. How do you feel about the response from listeners and the recognition you've received in the music industry?

WE feel very proud! And we are very grateful for these good results! This is the reward of entire life of works! We thanks our listeners,this a very special thing for the band! Something funny is, we have fan all over the world,but a lot of "professional" in our country don't trust in you! This very difficult, to construct something with concert hall and certain time with the bar!

11. The band has been actively performing since the beginning of the year, with plans for more shows in 2023. Can you share some details about your upcoming performances and any specific events that fans can look forward to?

This year, the plan was to do 10 to 12 gig, but we can't do like the plan hahaha! So, we actually work on the live performance, because this is something very important for doing good job! We work on visual aspect, with projection of picture, a little vids on certains part of songs. I'll more focus on my vocal parts, and play less guitar. The visual aspect, is clearly, the stuff we put on better level in the future.

12. Your second album is set to be released at the end of October. What can fans expect from this album, and do you have any plans for taking your music to international audiences in mainland France, Germany, Spain, and Canada?

FOr this album, we try to do all the stuff well! We choose a good producer, a pro make the cover of the album,we work with community manager for social media, plane some gigs, take a shower...oups! Lol the goal was put the listener in a space journey, with our songs in motion tracks. We start slowly,we run sometimes,other time we walk, we scream, we cry other time,we try to do the better album possible , in respect of our era. If you are a fan of different death metal genre, melodic, brutal,old school, this album is for you!

 (9) The Hill Is Burning - YouTube


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