The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Delve into the mind of Reginn, the mastermind behind the self-titled debut album. Uncover the dark themes of madness, loathing, and deprecation, as he shares insights into the creative process, influences, and the emotional journey within.

1. Congratulations on the release of your self-titled debut album! Can you share with us the inspiration and creative process behind the album, especially the themes of madness, loathing, and deprecation that it explores?

Thanks! Alot of the inspiration came from past experiences, lessons learned and looking more inwards at the human mind and the different thoughts, feelings and emotions we feel at our darkest times. 

2. Being a one-man band, how did you approach the musical composition and production for this album? Were there any specific challenges or advantages to working solo?

I started with the guitars and build the drums around that and then add in the bass and keyboards after. Mixing down vocals would become tedious and challenging at times, as well as trying not to be too much of a perfectionist and just letting the music flow naturally. An advantage to working solo would be that I can take my time with what I'm doing and don't have people waiting on me. 

3. The album has a distinct Death/Black Metal sound. What bands or artists have influenced your musical style, and how did those influences shape the sound of Reginn?

I've always been a fan of the 90s Era death/black metal. The bands that have really influences my music would be Burzum, Barnes Era cannibal corpse, Deicide, Naglfar, Morbid Angel, emperor, Funeral Mourning, Xasthur, and Mourning Beloveth. I think it helped shape my sound by adding a little more diversity. I'm able to take the different things I like from death/black metal and some ambiance and be able to write something a little more outside of the box rather than pigeonholed to one genre or the other.

4. Tell us about the significance of the release date, October 18th, 2023. Was there a specific reason behind choosing this date for the debut album launch?

The album was originally gonna be released March 22, 2023 but life happens so it got pushed back to October 18, 2023 which ironically my first album from a previous solo project was released October 18th, 2013. Thought it was kinda interesting how it turned out that way. 

5. In addition to digital platforms, the album is available in CD and LP formats. How important is it for you to provide listeners with physical copies, and how do you think the different formats contribute to the overall experience of your music?

It feels like streaming has taken over nowadays but I think it's important to have your music on different formats because there's still alot of people who like to buy CDs, LPs, and Tapes. Alot of people still prefer to have a physical copy over digital or both. It also helps to make your music more accessible. 

6. The album artwork is striking and complements the dark themes of your music. Can you share the story or concept behind the artwork and how it ties into the overall narrative of the album?

I was looking through an artist's work

(Ukie Bloodart) who had done some logos and art for me with my previous solo project

and came across the piece that became the album cover. I liked how it was dark and still had the gory elements to it without being over the top. I think the cover really helps set the tone for the album. It takes the dark and brutal elements of the art and mirrors it through the music. 

7. Reginn's debut album is described as a sincere exploration of darker human emotions. Can you elaborate on the emotional journey you intended to take listeners on with this album?

Yes. I want it to help the listeners to explore the darker corners of their mind. The places your mind goes when in that intense feeling of anger or disgust. The intrusive thoughts that creep in when you're alone and only seem to get louder. The frantic feeling of anxiety, and paranoia. 

8. How has your local scene in Oklahoma City influenced your music and your approach to the metal genre? Are there any specific experiences or aspects of the city that found their way into your songs?

Some of my favorite local bands were huge influences on my music. I remember going to their shows and watching them play and  then later getting to open and share the stage with some of those same people. I think some of the aspects that found its way to my music from living in the city is the reminder of corrupt Judicial, government, and religious organizations. Looking around you and seeing the ignorance/dangers of heard mentality. 

9. As an independent artist, how do you navigate the challenges of self-releasing an album, and what advice would you give to other musicians who are considering taking a similar path?

I started learning how to do as much as I could by myself. From album art, promotional fliers/banners, show fliers to recording, programming, mixing and mastering. Alot of trial and error. To anyone wanting to take a similar path I would say be open to learning and trying new things. Find routes that work for you. People are gonna be negative but thats what they were put here to do so just ignore it and keep pursuing your path and vision for your art. 

10. Now that the debut album is out, what's next for Reginn? Do you have any plans for live performances, future releases, or other creative projects in the works?

I don't plan on playing live with this project. It's just gonna be a studio project. I am currently working on a 3 song promo for a 2nd album which I'm hoping to have available for free download sometime next year. I'm also working on a funeral/sludge/doom side project with Khold from the solo doom metal band

Pale Fallen Dead called "Kaltsørg". Our debut album should be out next year as well. 

(60) Reginn - YouTube

Musique | Reginn (


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