The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Velour Fog, the rising UK rock sensation, shares insights into their journey from nu metal roots to grunge-infused funk metal. Dive into their unique sound, collaborations, and the timeless spirit of rock.

1. Congratulations on the release of your second single, "Dopehead." Can you tell us about the inspiration behind the song and what listeners can expect from this latest track?

If you like origin stories then listen up. Its funny we had written a prototype version of the song years ago when we were just kids, it had way more of a nu metal vibe, every song was in Drop B Tuning. Obviously as an adolescent any sane person starts to realise the world aint all roses, the song is letting out the frustration that comes with being part of a society that makes us all wanna grow up to be rockstars, and the majority of us are still waiting. The song is pure grunge rock energy with flavors of hip hop and funk metal, plenty of face metling guitar work.

2. Velour Fog has been described as the UK's answer to a new wave of rock, with stone-cold riffs, rapid guitar shredding, and big vocals. How did you come together to form the band, and what elements do each of you contribute to create the distinctive Velour Fog sound?

Me and marsh are cousins, he went to college with naois, all of us have been passionate about music since high school and its just one of those things where making a kick ass rock band was the only way to live. Its not just a rock influence, but also a lot of 90s hip hop which is basically the modern day equivalent of classic rock anyway, I see us as closer to the beastie boys than GNR. We don't wanna be another rehash of an old sound, there's already been way too much of that in movies.

3. Jake, as the frontman, lead guitarist, and songwriter, your fingers are known to flow faster than lightning across the frets. Can you share some insights into your songwriting process and the themes that inspire your lyrics?

Its a little bit of just plugging in an playing until the magic happens, or more methodically I try to combine stylistic elements from all the different types of music I listen to. My music theory knowledge is not slacking, its very important to be unpredictable while also not being too jarring, key changes, modulation, tension, ect.. are useful tools to keep things interesting. My first instrument was the drums so I am always focusing on rhythm, a good groove is essential for me to enjoy music. The main rule is 'if it sounds good, its good', sometimes deep diving into theory can ruin the fun of exploration.

4. Marshall, your stage moves are often described as hypnotic, spellbinding, and shocking. How do you see your role as the rhythm guitarist contributing to the overall live performance and energy of Velour Fog?

I’m another layer of glue for the crowd to sniff on and get encapsulated down at the devil gate drive or what I like to call a Velour Fog show. I got it all looks, style and class. You’d be quite right to say I bring a lot.

5. Naois, also known as "Bone," your skills extend beyond bass playing to skateboarding. How does your skateboarding background influence your approach to bass playing, and how do you balance these two passions in your life?

Skateboarding and music go hand in hand, nothing motivates me better than good music, the skateboarding subculture is very varied in its musical tastes and ive noticed how the different genres lend themselves to different skating styles. Like the hard agressive thrash skating bowls and vert, and the smooth bass-heavy beats of hip-hop skating on the city streets. The interplay between these styles of skating has been a big influence on how i approach my playing, by imagining what it would make me feel like doing in a physical sense.

6. Velour Fog was formed in 2020, and you've already released two singles, "Black Babylon" and "Dopehead." What challenges and triumphs have you experienced as a band since your formation, and how do you feel you've evolved musically during this time?

We have gone through a few lineup changes, and currently we need a new drummer to take the reigns. Its been a lot of hard work, pressure and so many people are invested in this band, we refuse to give up. Musically its evolved quite a lot over the years, it started as nu metal, went to instrumental shred guitar, then to classic rock / hair metal. We started to find our sound in 2022 with naois taking over on the bass the year prior, this gave it a much funkier vibe. I would say its a blend of grunge and funk metal, we definitely are trying to infuse more hip hop. At the end of the day we want to play and create the music we enjoy, and there's much more to it than a singular style.

7. Working with legendary Rock Music Producer Nick Tauber, who has collaborated with Thin Lizzy, UFO, Venom, and Def Leppard, must be an exciting experience. How has this collaboration influenced the recording process and the overall sound of Velour Fog?

Honestly before nick started working with us, we lacked the discipline and professionalism required to get anywhere in this industry. Its good to have someone who knows the ins and outs, how are a bunch of twenty somethings in a ROCK band supposed to know everything? Nick has given us belief to go on to achieve and fulfil our potential.

8. Your influences are rooted in the greats of the 80s and 90s, but you're bringing a unique sound to this decade and beyond. How do you navigate paying homage to your influences while ensuring your music stands out as fresh and distinctive?

A lot of people get closed minded when it comes to music, a typical rock fan thinks rap = crap, I know I used to be one of those kids, but after actually listening and giving the genre a chance, its now my favourite right up there with rock and metal, of course modern day rap is glorified pop music made by illiterates with lack of rhythm or talent, but guys like nas, big L, Beastie Boys, 50 cent, in my opinion are just as legendary as Van Halen, nirvana, and Hendrix..
We just make the music we enjoy, sometimes it ends up sounding like The Who, sometimes we get a Cypress Hill vibe going, theres no limits.

9. The late John Davis at Metropolis mastered both "Black Babylon" and "Dopehead." Can you share any memories or experiences from working with such an iconic figure in the music industry, and how has his influence shaped the sonic identity of Velour Fog?

John was a cool guy, had many stories to share. One in particular was about the time he had to remaster the Led Zeppelin catalog, which required a conversion from tape to digital. He had the Holy grail in his hands, the original tapes of stairway to heaven. Long story short he had to get a temp assistant to carefully place the tape into the machine, as I quote 'i didnt want to be the guy who destroyed rocks Holy grail' which luckily for John was never the outcome.

10. Ozzy Osbourne's quote, "You can't kill rock 'n' roll, it's here to stay," seems to resonate with Velour Fog's approach. How do you see your role in keeping the spirit of rock alive, and what does rock 'n' roll mean to each of you personally?

A lot of kids nowadays just didn't grow up the same way. Without Spotify and YouTube, it was a uniquely personal thing to find artists you enjoyed rather than what an algorithm tells you to listen to. Our family and friends shaped the way most of us experienced music, my dad was a keyboardist in rock bands all throughout the 80s and 90s. Its just culturally something we have always known, and its just a badass thing to get a group of dudes in a room with some beers and cranked amp stacks and just blast off. Rock n roll is not a product of an era, its a timeless attitude, just look at Tom Cruise.

11. Your live performances are known for getting heads banging for all the right reasons. How do you ensure that the energy and excitement from your recordings translate seamlessly into your live shows?
You wanna have the right equipment and that but you need good people around you. We have a guy people call him Shred, he travels a lot with the band and helps with translating that ballsy energetic sound onto to the stage.

12. As a British rock band hailing from the outskirts of London, how has the local music scene influenced your music, and what do you believe sets Velour Fog apart from other emerging talents in the UK?
The local music scene is unfortunately less prevalent as it was, after the closing of venues/ new management who dont want the riff raff in their wanky pubs so they can charge the suits 6 quid for a flat peroni. But that has become a driving force for us, to reignite the passion for live music and give a fresh foundation for subculture to thrive dispite stages being swapped for electronic dart boards.

13. With two singles under your belt, what’s next for Velour Fog? Are there plans for a full-length album, and can fans expect any upcoming tours or collaborations in the near future?
We like to keep the parts under my belt hot so we’ll gonna be coming out with something soon in the new year. As for an album we’re just waiting for the right time to unleash it but at the moment it's to early in the day to say when. Y’all have to keep an eye out for tours or collaborations

14. The band’s name, Velour Fog, carries a certain mystique. What’s the story behind the name, and how does it encapsulate the essence of your music and image?
We wanted something that creates a certain kind of atmosphere, something a bit mysterious but at same time very sensual. The name came to us shortly after Bone joined the band while we were hanging out at VF studios.

15. In closing, what message would you like to convey to both your dedicated fans and those discovering Velour Fog for the first time with the release of “Dopehead”?
Music has always been the catalyst for change, vote with your ears................

Velour Fog – Velour Fog HQ

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