The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Breed 77! Discover what inspired the band's reunion and their powerful new single "End Of The Line" as they delve into music, societal commentary, and upcoming projects.

1. Welcome back, Breed 77! After a hiatus in 2015, what inspired the band to reunite and unleash "End Of The Line" in 2024?

I think we realised we loved making music together as Breed 77, the Covid lockdown really put things into perspective; it really gave us that kick to get us writing again and get back to doing what we do best.
2. "End Of The Line" is described as a damning and cynical commentary on the state of society. Can you delve deeper into the inspiration behind the lyrics and the message you aim to convey through this single?

The modern world with all it’s technological trappings is all well and good, but the core human values of decency, loyalty and empathy have been eroded, you’d think that in this day and age where we are connected virtually to half the world, we’d have more of a global conscience, more awareness of the welfare of our fellow man and overall a better grasp of humanity. Instead we strive to get ahead in society at the expense of our peers, forever ‘looking out for No.1’ – forgetting that we really are all in this together. The song still has hope for a better tomorrow, because when it all comes down to the ‘End of the Line’ that’s when humanity will prove itself…
3. The new single maintains Breed 77's trademark tribal rhythms and fusion of Mediterranean influences with hard-hitting rock. How do you approach blending these diverse musical elements, and how has the band's sound evolved since your earlier successes in the early 2000s?

Our sound has always been a fusion of all the musical styles we listen to; to us it comes naturally to incorporate all these elements into what we now know as the ‘Breed 77 sound’.  As time has gone on we have always strived to let the song be at the centre of the conversation – and to serve the song with the instrumentation that suits it best, not all our songs have Flamenco guitars; our influences are wide-ranging.
4. Your upcoming UK tour in May 2024 is highly anticipated. What can fans expect from a live Breed 77 performance, especially in terms of the energy and atmosphere you bring to the stage?

Our live show is our bread and butter, it’s where we can connect more closely with our fans, expect energy, expect a musical experience, expect a night you won’t soon forget!
5. Breed 77 achieved fame in the early 2000s, playing with iconic bands like Black Sabbath, Machine Head, The Melvins, and Korn. How do you reflect on those experiences now, and do they influence your current approach to music and live performances?

We’ve learnt many things from every single band we’ve had the honour of sharing the stage with; Humility, patience and professionalism and how to treat other artists whilst on tour, lessons we in turn put into practice when we are headlining.

6. The video for "End Of The Line" accompanies the release of the single. Can you share insights into the creative process behind the video and how it enhances the overall message of the song?

We reckoned that after so much time away, people would want to see what the band looked like today – the medium of black and white is very direct and perfect to capture our performance. The bottomless white background provides no distraction from the band doing their thing.
7. Your seminal album 'Cultura' in 2004 marked a breakthrough for Breed 77. How do you see your musical journey since then, and in what ways has the band's sound and lyrical focus evolved over the years?

We’ve never played it safe, after the success of Cultura we could’ve written a bunch of ‘The River’s but we always choose to experiment and push the boundaries of our sound. Lyrically every album has a different subject matter – they tend to reflect whatever has come to mind during the writing process.
8. The subject matter of "End Of The Line" deals with empathy, loyalty, and trust lost in modern society. How does the band navigate addressing such profound themes while maintaining a balance with the musical elements of the song?

Sometimes it is easier to understand complex social concepts when they are put into songs, we believe the profound themes go hand in hand with the music, the music being the vehicle to share ideas, deliver messages and connect…
9. Breed 77 has toured extensively around the world, from Japan to Mexico, Australia, and the U.S. How have these global experiences influenced your perspectives on music, and do you draw inspiration from specific cultures in your songwriting?

We draw inspiration from everything around us, when we travel and experience different cultures it has a direct effect on how you view the world, of course it informs our songwriting. But it is more subtle – it’s not like after playing in Australia we wanted to have didgeridoo on all our songs!
10. The new single tackles societal issues. How do you believe music, and specifically Breed 77's music, can contribute to discussions and reflections on the challenges faced by society today?

Anything that gets people conversing about a subject or asking questions must be a good thing, as a band we have a massive reach and as such a great responsibility to affect positive change in whichever small way we can.

11. The UK tour includes stops in Leicester, Chester, Milton Keynes, Tunbridge Wells, and London's The Underworld. Is there a particular venue or city you're most excited about performing in, and why?

To be honest it’s been so long since we last played the UK that we are jumping around the room excited about our imminent return – it’s gonna be a blast for these 5 days!
12. After such a long hiatus, what has been the most rewarding aspect of reuniting as a band, and what challenges have you encountered in getting back into the groove of creating and performing together?

Definitely the reaction of our fans to our return is very heart-warming, to realise that there was still a hunger to hear our music is extremely rewarding. The greatest challenge has been that this is our first time writing and composing remotely - the band is split, with members living in UK and Gibraltar, but we relish a challenge and great things can come from adversity.
13. The video for "End Of The Line" features powerful visuals. How important is the visual aspect in conveying the message and emotions of your music, and how involved is the band in the creative process of your music videos?

We are very big into the visual side of things, most of our videos, including ‘End of the Line’ are produced and directed by the band.
14. As veterans of the music industry, what advice would you give to emerging artists looking to navigate the challenges and opportunities in today's music scene?

Above all else, be honest – do YOU, don’t try to imitate anyone else, your originality will be your unique selling point. We have far too may bands that sound the same, stop trying to ‘be’ anything – just play music you enjoy, if people connect with it, you’re already succeeding!
15. Looking beyond "End Of The Line," what's next for Breed 77? Are there any upcoming projects or future plans you can share with your fans?

This is just the beginning; we will put out another single and video before our UK tour in May and we are putting the finishing touches on what will be our next album which we hope to release at the end of this year! On June 13th were in Zamora, Spain playing with Europe and Doro at Z Live and we’re taking more bookings to fill in the rest of the year!

@breed77band's link in bio | Music, merch and socials | Linktree

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