The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Discover the journey of Dead Within, from a COB tribute band to a melodic death/thrash metal sensation in Croatia, as they share insights, challenges, and upcoming projects.

1. Can you tell us about the journey of Dead Within, from starting as a Children Of Bodom tribute band to becoming a melodic death/thrash metal force in Croatia?

Yes, I can, if I can remember any of it haha.
Back in the day when we started, we were about 20 or so, some were even younger. We had the most awful amps and guitars, barely a drum set, no place to practice. So, we started playing at our high school at the time, then gradually continued to play in one of the guitarists garages or something, no isolation, very loud, but we loved it. We were all into Iron Maiden, Helloween, Metallica, Slayer etc, we tried everything but when we heard COB for the first time it was like metal heaven. We were stunned then soon followed everything else from Finland and then the Swedish melo death and then everything else. It all felt like that’s what music is supposed to sound.
By that time we were playing in another garage, isolated this time, shared with other bands.
Began gathering/ borrowing equipment.
Then the first shows came, it was a blast and a beautiful memory.
As for the melodic death/ thrash force you say we are now, I mean thank you for the kind words, but we are not a force, we are just a band struggling to play because we love ti play.

2. What inspired the band to transition from covering songs to creating original music, and how did that process unfold?

That came organically, everyone had something to say or play, so we started to play and came up with four mish mash songs that is the demo.
As for the process, all I can tell you it was all over the place.

3. Could you share some insights into your 2007 demo "So It Begins"? How was the response from the local metal scene at that time?

As far as I can remember at the time the feedback was good. Lot of people seem to like the songs, even sang one of them live hahah,
Looking at them now, they are a little but cringe but I love them. Those songs remind me of more simper and innocent times.

4. What were some of the challenges the band faced during its initial run, leading to the hiatus in 2008?

Mostly genre change and not getting along.

5. Fast forward to 2022, Dead Within returned with a vengeance. What fueled the decision to reunite, and how has the band evolved since then?

It was a spur of the moment thing, one day after YouTube browsing other bands, listening to the old songs it hit me. What the f have I been doing all this time, I was musically dying inside.
The old members were engaged in other bands, so I had to gather new ones, some were old friends also with a hunger some were new friends with a hunger.
As for the evolution, the band has evolved very good. We know what we want and we're getting to it step by step.

6. Your EP "2023" marked a new chapter for Dead Within. What themes or messages did you explore in this release?

The 2023 was an accident but came out as a cool name. The four songs depict the stuff that transpired during the lockdown.
Every song has a different message. Its all metaforically.

7. How was the experience of performing at Ngdjezemska and supporting Arisses? Any memorable moments from that gig?

It was a blast, the crowd was supportive.

The turnout was unexpected, we had a huge support from the crowd.

We struggled with the equipment but made it heroically to the end.

After the last song the guy behind the mix pult put on an old song, and some of the guys began singing the song, it was very fun haha.

A very special thank you and shoutout to the guys in Arisses. They are responsible for giving us a chance to play at a gig at all.

You Guys rock.

8. Being featured on Semir Čolić Čola's radio show must have been exciting. How did that opportunity come about, and what impact did it have on the band's visibility?

It was fun hearing our new songs on the radio.
Semir was fun and respectful.
I think it had a little bit of positive impact, as in we're back haha.

9. Supporting Zmyrna and Guyot in Zagreb sounds like a blast. What was the atmosphere like during that show, and how did the audience respond to your music?

It was a blast, the guys from the bands were awsome, special shout out to Zmyrna, Guyot and the ZG local band Vaktal.
The response was awsome, we were tired from the trip and a little bit drunk but all in all a divine expirience.

10. Finally, what can fans expect from Dead Within's upcoming debut album in late 2024? Any hints about the sound or themes you'll be exploring?

We will keep it simple.
The album will include the four songs from the EP plus 4 - 5 new songs. We are working on the album very hard.
We released one song "Injustice" in the form of the lyric video.
We will release another song in the form of an video spot.
Not soon soon but soon.

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(15) Dead Within Official - YouTube


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