The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Dive into the world of Pete Asshill as they share tales of camaraderie, musical inspirations, and the creation of their hauntingly powerful rock single 'Stay'.

1. Who are the members of Pete Asshill and how did you all come together to form the band?
A. Pete Asshill is a group of 4 visionary friends sharing common interest in Rock Music. At the moment we're not on touring. We're just making music & having fun.
2. Can you share any interesting or amusing anecdotes from your time together as a band?
A. It was quite a funny moment, when we heard the first mixed & mastered version of "Stay". Our mixer did his work literally mixig vocal tracks so that the lead singer was mixed as a background singer & vice versa.
3. You mentioned your common interest in rock music from the 60s and 70s. Are there any specific bands or artists that have had a significant influence on your sound?
A. Actually not influnced on our sound, but as an inspiration for "Stay" e.g.: Black Sabbath, New York Dolls, Uriah Heep, Nazareth, Ram Jam
4. Pete Asshill has been described as having a "hauntingly powerful rock feeling." How would you personally describe your music to someone who has never heard it before?
A. Eclectic & energetic rock
5. Could you tell us a bit about the inspiration behind your single "Stay"? What events or experiences led to its creation?
A. There's many rock songs from the 60s and 70s based on a simple riff. I tried to make so simple riff as possible, but still some variation in the song. Actually the song was composed about 20 years ago in an airplane as a matter of imagination. At that time airplanes had "a free bar" service. So this release took a while. Actually I composed one album during that flight (about 10 songs) using the same principle: "a minimalist compose and lyrics". Unfortunately, I've forgotten all the others.

6. Where was "Stay" recorded and who was involved in its production process?
A. "Stay" was recorded in our home studio(s) using our own resources. Only the mixing & mastering was done by someone else (the professional)
7. What was the ethos or message you wanted to convey through "Stay"?
A. There's always a lesson in all good stories. This is what we are striving for in all our lyrics. Stay's lesson is based on Albert Einstein's wisdom/aphorism: "To keep your balance, you must keep moving". Translating to "Stay" lyrics: If somebody asks you to stay, it's maybe better to run.
8. Can you provide a brief description of what the song is about and what listeners can expect from it?
A. A little bit nostalgic hard rock song (called "heavy rock" a couple of decades ago). Someone might call it "punk Rock", too. Up to a listener. A lot of energy, so, play it loud. Also an eye-catcher video:
9. Were there any memorable or amusing moments during the recording or production of "Stay"?
A. Sorry, actually I used already this question's answer in question 2.

10. You mentioned having two vocalists on this track. Can you elaborate on how each vocalist contributes to the song's dynamic?
A. The lead vocalist is singing high & tight. The background vocalist is singing low & crawl with a creepy feeling.

11. How do you feel about the current state of social media and its role in the music industry?
A. I could write a book about this. Earlier the music itself was important. Nowadays it's important, who is playing or singing (e.g. what kind of some pages do you have, who are your friends, what's your opinion about this and that, are you approved as a person in the music industry/elite). We are totally against this. Only the music is essential.
12. What challenges have you faced as a band, and how have you overcome them?
A. No problems as a band. Of course it's frustrating to be an independent artist, which means "Outsider": Very difficult to get songs to significant playlists. Very difficult to get radio plays, too.
13. What are your plans for the future? Any upcoming projects or performances we should know about?
A. Maybe a next single next: "New York Bastard". Demo version (4 different) is done, but the rhythm does not work very well. We have to figure out new rhythms.
14. In one or two lines, could you share a personal quote about either the band or the release of "Stay" that captures the essence of Pete Asshill?
A. Something to say!


(180) Pete Asshill - YouTube

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