The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

In this interview, SIGNVM: KARG discusses their musical evolution since 2005, key influences, and the journey of crafting their unique sound.

1. SIGNVM: KARG has evolved significantly since its inception in 2005. How would you describe your musical journey and the key influences that have shaped your sound over the years?

Since the beginning there was a vision or many visions of a certain, individual sound, a vague but intense inspiration how SIGNVM: KARG could be put into music. The journey is to follow those visions and make them audible in a more and more precise and authentic way, like a sculpturist who is working on a big rock, slowly but steadily carving out a certain shape he has in mind, making more and more details visible with time.

This journey will never end cause there is no state of „perfection“ that can be reached, so what can be heard is just the tip of the iceberg, with a lot more that sleeps beneath, invisible, inaudible, waiting to eventually come to life at some point…

So even without further Influences there would be enough to dwell on, but of course there is a lot of Inspiration from other bands, styles, other forms of Art and from Nature itself. And of course unwillingly from humanity, always a good inspiration for disgust, rage and hatred that undoubtedly finds its way into our music.

2. Your debut album, "Chöre Aus Dem Schlund Der Zeit," was released in 2011. How do you feel your music has progressed since that initial release?

Everything got less amateurish… There has been a huge leap in musical education, production technics, sensibilization for sound and composition, knowledge of graphics and aesthetics, stage performace, so time did not stand still in the sphere of S:K even when there was a long period of silence...

3. After a period of relative silence, SIGNVM: KARG has returned with a darker and deeper sound. What inspired this shift in your musical direction?

I don´t see any big „shift“ or that the music got darker, for me it´s more that we continued the path we were on from the beginning. So if someone senses more „deepness“ its probably the process of diving deeper into the music and the visions that linger below the surface...

4. Your current lineup includes members from Finsterforst, Ex-Melechesh, Narvik, and Assorted Nails. How has the inclusion of these musicians influenced the band's sound and creative process?

Our new drummer and bassplayer have brought the whole sound of the band to a more professional level with more definition, pecision and power! SIGNVM: KARG has never sounded as tight and on point as now! Also they brought more criticism towards my (selfmade) audio production standards into the band, what is very valuable, and, maybe the most important thing: The band now feels like a collective of mature and reliable individuals, what hasn´t been true for many years, maybe never before…

Besides that huge step forwards me and Metvs, the other original member, gathered a lot of great expierience and inspiration from the music and the people of the other bands we were playing in.

Great thanks and salut to Melechesh, Narvik and F 41.0!!!

5. Black Metal is known for its intense and atmospheric elements. How do you balance the dark, furious, and progressive aspects of your music to create a cohesive sound?

That it sometimes not easy to manage… Our way to go is apparently to create very long songs with a lot of dynamic changes and many different parts… But I wouldn´t say that this has been a conscious decision. More like an inability to compose in a different way...

6. Can you share some insights into the themes and concepts explored in your latest material? What messages or emotions are you aiming to convey to your listeners?

I would say S:K is a philosophical, post-civilisational band, creating apocalyptic images of the downfall of mankind and reaching out to find comfort on the desolate plains of cold planets beyond the stars. A big part of it is desperation, anger and frustration about the state of this civilisation, driving the mind to reach out to places far away in space or time. Music can transport the mind to different spheres and states even into the completely abstract, what makes it infinitely valuable…

And just to mention: FUCK OFF humanity!!!

7. Your music often delves into cosmic and otherworldly themes. What draws you to these subjects, and how do they influence your songwriting and overall artistic vision?

As I just mentioned: Music can take the mind to extraterrestrial landscapes far far away or can let you travel in time billions of years to when the sun is extinguished and earth turns into a cold and silent place…

I see music as a tool or a medium to make these sensations audible, visible, so the music follows the vision that is already there, as I referred to in the beginning. The task is to bring as much as possible to the surface of consciousness!

8. SIGNVM: KARG has had encounters with other entities like Gräfenstein, Todtgelichter, and Fäulnis. How have these collaborations and interactions impacted your music and the band's evolution?

The mentioned Bands were inspiring people to meet! It was a precious expierience to have insight how they approach music, how they talk about their art and how they are authentic individuals. So of course we learned from these encounters, especially when we got feedback for what we do, be it constructive criticism, good advice or just honest support!

9. As a band that thrives in the Black Metal genre, how do you perceive the current state of the Black Metal scene? Are there any trends or developments that you find particularly exciting or concerning?

To be honest I personally didn´t pay too much attention to what trends or developments happended in the last few years… I have the feeling that there is not much new happening. Most new releases I hear are repetitions of what has happened before, just with a slightly better sound, so I have feeling that there is not much innovation or inspiration going on… So as a negative trend I would outline that its a kind of uniformation, all the bands look the same on photos and do the same videos, not to speak of the music or lyrics…

But on the other hand there some good developments in Infrastructure for live-shows, especially in Austria where we played recently with our friends of Plaguepreacher! There is a big and well organized scene happening and we are thankful to be in touch with them!

10. Looking ahead, what are the next steps for SIGNVM: KARG? Can fans expect new releases, tours, or other projects in the near future?

We have a lot of unreleased records that are about to come forth song by song, marking different periods and aspects of the many years since our debut, showing a steady development of what SIGNVM: KARG sounds like and will sound like, since there are also many many new ideas and visions waiting to be manifested soon!!! 

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