The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Explore the evolution of Solar System's sound, the creative process behind their latest album, and their plans for the future in this insightful interview.

1. Your band has been active since 2010 and has undergone several lineup changes. How has this evolution impacted the sound and direction of Solar System over the years?

Lineup changes are only about what a particular musician is capable to play. I’ll give you an example, a friend of mine, who loves Iron Maiden, tried to play with us and when he started stuffing the horse rhythm of Steve Harris into our music, it sounded really funny, we couldn’t believe our ears. The sound and its direction is controlled by our guitarist Petr and the band sometimes comes with some ideas how to improve it. Changes are bad, they always bring the band back to the beginning.

2. Your latest album, "Synchronicita," was released in 2020 under the Slovak Metal Army label and mastered by Roland Grapow. Can you tell us about the creative process behind this album and what it represents for the band?

It was during the lockdown, which gave us enough time to finally finish the new material. It was really nice for us to estabilish cooperation with a real underground publisher and especially a person who had a metal heart. Unfortunately, he left this world not long after. It was great to have Roland master the album. During the preparation of the album, there was another change on the post of drummer. At the moment we are without a publisher, we are working on new songs and we will see where will it take us.

3. With your upcoming third album in the works, how do you plan to innovate and push the boundaries of your music while staying true to the Solar System sound?

I think the main ingredients of the sound are guitars and the way Petr composes and plays songs. Therefore, we are not planning any deviation, the band has its own specific sound and it’s like when you hear Accept, Judas Priest or Megadeth for example, you recognize them immediately, thanks to that specificity. That’s probably how it should be, it’s like a wife’s voice, if she had a different voice every day, it would probably be completely messed up. Of course we would like to move it forward, that’s why we have arrenged producer this time for the recording of the third album. And here comes a question how will we deal with it.

4. Solar System has had the opportunity to perform at some of the biggest festivals in the Czech Republic and tour with bands like Crystallion. How have these experiences shaped your live performances and interactions with fans?

The band has to play, it builds confidence on stage and confidence in communicating with fans live. We are ordinary people, so we have normal feelings about it. So it shapes you to be completely comfortable on stage.

5. Your music combines catchy riffs, melodic keys, and Czech lyrics. What inspires your songwriting process, and how do you balance these elements to create a cohesive sound?

Everything flows by itself, we come with compositionally almost finished song, vocals, then we adjust details that we want to change, it has its own process.

6. The band includes founding members Oto Gajdoš and Petr Štrauch, alongside other permanent members. How do you maintain cohesion and synergy within the group despite changes in lineup?

When people in band fit to each other, you don’t have to maintain anything, but of course the music and love for it holds us together. We try to be cool, we’re old enough to deal with some non important bullshit. You have to evaluate in time what’s important for the band to work as a whole and what’s not.

7. Can you share any memorable moments or stories from your time on the road or in the studio that have had a significant impact on the band?

Now I won’t be specific, but that’s the way it is and I tell this to friends from other bands as well. It’s important to make time for fans after the show. Then those moments and stories come and you never know which one of those moments can change your life.

8. What are your thoughts on the current state of the metal music scene, and how do you see Solar System contributing to its evolution?

The metal scene is alive and that’s the main thing! We try to do what we can …

9. You have upcoming mini-tours with Moribund Oblivion and Phenomy. What are you most looking forward to about these experiences, and what can fans expect from your live performances?

We are mainly preparing the third year of our own festival, the festival is growing even though it is still underground. It’s amazing to meet there all those great people and musicians not only from the bands playing there, but also fans and friends that come to support us. As for these concerts, we look forward to spending time together with the bands. They are incredibly talented and humble people. Fans know that they will get a little solar hell from us!

10. Lastly, where do you see Solar System in the next few years, both musically and as a band? 

We will have another album and let ourselves be surprised, surprise is the best!


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