The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

War Gods of the Deep's "Action Space Battle" returns by popular demand! Discover why fans clamored for its re-release and what makes this edition a must-have.

1. Congratulations on the upcoming re-release of "Action Space Battle"! What inspired the decision to do a second pressing of this album?
Thank you very much! Over the past few years we've had a number of fans reach out asking if we were ever going to do a second pressing of the "fan club edition" that was originally offered when the record was first released in 2019. It was a limited edition opportunity then, so once they were gone they were gone. We've had enough requests now from folks looking to pick up the physical media version of the record to do a second pressing of the “fan club edition” so I decided now is as good a time as any.
2. The first edition of "Action Space Battle" sold out quickly. How does it feel to see such a positive response to your music?
It is always very humbling to think that anyone takes time out of their daily life to listen to and presumably enjoy WGOTD Music. I am a very grateful.
3. Your sound is often described as a blend of classic '70s and '80s heavy metal with a modern twist. How do you balance these influences to create your unique sound?
It's really quite simple… You just cannot care what anyone else thinks about what you're doing. You have to make the music that you want to make and you want to hear. Of course, it's wonderful of other people like it and respond to it, but that can't be your motivation to do it. You have to be content with just the sheer act and privilege of being able to make the music you want to make, the way you want to make it. Absolutely nothing that WGOTD does musically, aesthetically or even visually is popular in the heavy music industry these days… It's actually quite the opposite. I just simply am not concerned with pleasing the gatekeepers and naysayers. Another component that contribute to the success of othe WGOTD sound is that I’me constantly immersed in the music movies and media I love from those time periods, as a result all of those components are continually influencing me in every creative decision I make.

4. Could you tell us about the concept behind "Action Space Battle" and how it has evolved since its original release?
Action Space Battle was written with the sole purpose of trying to create a record that sounded like it was from the 1982-1983 US metal scene. I wanted it to sound like it might be something you find in your older brother's closet after he moved out of the house that you've never heard of and you fell in love with it. Not just musically or conceptually, but sonically as well. There is nothing high Fidelity about this recording, it was specifically recorded and mastered in a way that allows it to retain a lot of the character and nuance of recordings made during that time period.
5. The band has mentioned influences like Kiss, Queen, and Metallica. How have these bands shaped your approach to songwriting and performing?
Absolutely. If anything, all art stand on the shoulders of the great art that went before. Music is no different. I'm constantly paying attention to the way that things were done by all of the artists that I admire, not only for inspiration and guidance, but to be sure we're never too close to doing what they've already done. You always want to take your influences and move forward with them, never stand in one place, or move backwards with them.
6. With the resurgence of interest in vinyl and collector's editions, what makes the "Action Space Battle Fan Club Edition" special for your fans?
There was a time of many many years ago when big rock bands and even television shows and movies had fan clubs… These community-based groups not shared their love for the band or the television show or the movie they were into by creating a club around it. Many of them were situation's where you would mail in some sort of membership form that you filled out and they would send you back all kinds of goodies that had to do with whatever you were being a fan of… Posters, magazines, photographs, trading cards, buttons, newsletters, fan-zines, that sort of stuff. It was a pre-Internet world back then, so this was not only how you would connect with other fans, but how you'll get the cool stuff from whatever band movie or television show you were really into at the time. I wanted to replicate that experience of having something unique and immersive that you could celebrate along with the music, that also had some scarcity to it as not everyone has it or can have it. To me rock 'n' roll is best enjoyed as an experience… Something you can connect to that's more than just a Spotify playlist while you're working out. If I'm going to go to the effort to record and release the record, I want the music to be surrounded by other things that bring it more to life and make it more in during an enjoyable for anyone who cares to experience it.

7. What can fans expect from this limited edition release that differs from the original? Any surprises in store?
There's actually no difference whatsoever from the original run and this run. I did them exactly the same for consistency sake so that everyone has the same stuff.
8. How has the Chicago music scene influenced your music and career as War Gods of the Deep?
The music scene here is fantastic. Since most of what WGOTD does right now is record and recording based, I'd say the biggest influence of being located where I am is the work ethic that comes from living in a blue-collar city like Chicago. Being from here instills a drive and undying ethos of moving forward and getting work done every day. That kind of mentality comes in incredibly handy when you're recording records.
9. What's the most challenging aspect of being a band in today's music industry, and how have you navigated those challenges?
There are none if you don't care about it. You really have to take all of this "industry" stuff with a grain of salt as they say. Yes, there is an industry. Yes, that industry yields an economy that provides a wonderful living experience and opportunity for many people within it. However, unfortunately for most artists, the only way to move in that industry and achieve the expected or anticipated successes that seem to come with being a musician or artist of any success these days is to do what the industry tells you to do, when it tells you to do it and how it tells you to do it. My viewpoint is that there's nothing rock 'n' roll about doing exactly what everyone tells you to do when they tell you to do it and how they tell you to do it, so the best thing to do is move forward with a pretty blatant attitude of "fuck off - I'm going to do what I want to do and you can, do two things about it, watch and nothing”.

10. Your previous album, "Robots, Rockets & Rampage," had a different thematic approach. How do you decide on the themes and concepts for your albums?
The Robots Rockets & Rampage EP was really just a step in the direction of metal modernity as far as sonics and production goal. The first EP was a little more rooted in what has become the authentic WGOTD sound, well the second EP was just a journey forward to see how we could mesh some of the more classic elements of what WGOYD like with some of the more current /recent metal sonics
11. What's next for War Gods of the Deep after the release of "Action Space Battle Fan Club Edition"? Any plans for new music or tours?
No tour(yet), however there will be another single or even possibly EP before the end of this year, with the focus next year being on recording and releasing a new full length album.
12. Lastly, how can fans support War Gods of the Deep and where can they find your music?
Just listen and enjoy. If you really like it share it with someone. If you want to buy a T-shirt from the website, that never hurts either :-) whatever you do, from the biggest and smallest thing to help spread the news about the music is greatly appreciated and makes all the difference in the world.

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