The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Askemåne’s debut album Gravitasjon has captivated audiences with its blend of Nordic and shamanic influences. We discuss the album’s reception, standout tracks, and future plans.

1. It’s been a few months since the release of "Gravitasjon" in May. How has the reception been so far, and did it meet your expectations in terms of audience response?

The reception of this debut album has been really positive and exciting for us. As this was our first production, we didn't have much expectations! We obviously enjoy our music and make our best to share it on live and throught the web. A lot of lovely feedbacks gave (and still give) us much joy and passion to celebrate what's been done and create what's coming!

2. "Vinter Saga" and "I Rotasjon" were highly anticipated before the album's release. Looking back, how do you feel these singles set the stage for the rest of "Gravitasjon"?

The album idea was there since the beginning. During the composition process, we were thinking about 2 songs that would be interesting to present ourselves. The choice has been "Vinter Saga" for the soft and orchestral vibe, whereas "I Rotasjon" could show something primal and deep. Maybe we have been influenced by the chronology since "Vinter Saga" is our very first track ever composed...

In addition, each track has somehow its own identity! We hope that the whole album feels consistent.

3. The music video for "Dyaul" was released in April and created quite a buzz. What was the concept behind the video, and how did you bring the ritualistic elements to life?

We generally sing in Norvegian, French, and... spontaneous language, wich refers to something intuitive and impersonal. That's the case for "Dyaul". More that a strong message, the video is about the self, the roots, the interiority. So the script didn't have to be very precise. 

We worked with Raphael Klein for the video production : even if we globally knew what to do before filming day, we had grat time finding new ideas on the cave. So yeah, a little bit of preparation and a liltte more of improvisation!

4. Now that the album has been out for a while, have there been any standout tracks that fans particularly resonate with or that have surprised you in terms of popularity?

Seems not. Streams and discussions after lives shows that people's favorite track can be different! Some of music listeners prefers album's format, so is our audience maybe !

5. "Gravitasjon" blends modern production with primal, Nordic, and shamanic influences. How do you think this unique mix has contributed to the album's success and your growing fanbase?

We hope that this choice made this album versatile. We wanted to try an approach on the mix that is actual, with indeed ancient influences. It's always interesting to cross the genres and combine the methods! The aim was having something deep, mystic, powerful at the same time.

6. You worked closely with Guillaume Schappacher from Gravity Sound Prod on this album. Reflecting on that collaboration, what do you think he brought to the project that was essential to its final sound?

He's experience is mostly on metal music. Asuf' and him already worked together for Second Day's last album "Dawn", wich contains a neo-folk track named "Ghelan San". The result was convincing, so later, we naturally made the album whith Guillaume! We like his modern sound full of brillance, and his ideas during the production process have been precious.

7. Since May, have you had the chance to perform "Gravitasjon" live? If so, how have audiences responded to the new material in a live setting, and what has been your experience bringing these songs to the stage?

Yes we had the chance to perform at "Les passagers du Zinc" for the release party, "La guerre du Son" festival, and few other shows in France. The response was enjoyable for us, people are always so encouraging! The material had been played on stage before the album release date because it's the first one. So people who has show up at previous concerts already knew the new songs!

8. The album has been described as a "mystic travel" through Nordic and shamanic landscapes. Now that it’s out, do you feel that it achieved the spiritual or mystical journey you intended for listeners?

Question of individual! It depends of your music taste or sensibility.Yet, we know that some listeners really apprecieated the travel... That's what matters for us in the end.

9. As a band from Besançon, how do you feel your French roots have influenced your interpretation of Nordic and shamanic themes, especially after the album's release and reception?

No idea at all haha. Celtic heritage is part ouf inspiration for sure, among others. But our main influence register is nordic culture, if the french filter has an impact on the final result, it's not specially wanted!

10. Looking forward to the rest of 2024, what are Askemåne’s plans? Can fans expect any new music, videos, or perhaps a tour to continue promoting "Gravitasjon"?

As we are writing we are looking forward a show at Le Bastion on september 7th at Besançon (at home, so to say). Another live is programmed at Novosonic Festival (Dijon) on september 19th and after this one, we will focus on creation. No new release shall be out on 2024 but obviously next year...

 Askemåne - Neo/Dark Folk music band (

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