The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

BreaKdowN, formed in São Paulo and now based in Germany, discusses their musical evolution, recent EP Divide and Konquer, and the journey behind their enduring metal legacy.

1. BreaKdowN has had quite a journey, starting in Sao Paulo, then moving to Ireland, and now being based in Germany. How have these different locations influenced your music and the band’s evolution over the years?

Hey that is a great question, your mind changes quite a lot if you are able to live in different places, everybody is different and somehow similar, specially when comes to the metal people, our musical inspiration did not change much in reality…but lyrically yes, I can say lyrics has a broader approach now.

2. Your first full-length album, Time to Kill, gained a lot of attention in the global underground scene. How does your new EP Divide and Konquer compare to your earlier work in terms of sound and songwriting?

 Well, it adds over 15 years of thinking haha, we like to think we are somehow better and the sound in our minds can flow easier, but the spirit is the same, yeah, it is just easier to get things out, the band won’t change…so in sumamry better sound, better song writing.

3. After years of silence, what inspired you to return with Divide and Konquer? What was the creative process like after such a long break?

I never stopped actually, I have been always writing here and there and collecting ideas and riffs…these started to accumulate, and since life allowed, we decided to record and release.

4. The new EP blends influences from death metal, thrash metal, and NWOBHM. How do you balance these different styles while maintaining BreaKdowN’s signature sound?

To be honest I don’t think much, we try to let it flow, and work hard on making something I listen and enjoy, takes time for us and we are happy so far.

5. You worked with Andy Classen at Stage One Studio for the production of Divide and Konquer. What was it like collaborating with him, and how did his involvement shape the final sound of the EP?

Andy is a guide, a teacher and helped us making decisions, and avoided some non-sense in the studio, he is a professional, it is like you come with a lot of ideas and sounds and he put you on track and remove the excesses ….plus he pushes you to play hard! The recording is so faithful, we were not allowed so use a lot of distortions and effects, basically simple amps and play hard, it was incredible, I am looking forward to get back!

6. The EP was recorded in multiple locations, including drums in Brazil and some guitar and bass parts with Euge Valovirta. How did this international collaboration come together, and what challenges did you face during the recording process?

Yes the whole thing got help from some people, Our original drummer is in Brazil, recording with him was a lot easier, he knows what to do once he hears my riffs, I tried other guys but no success.

Euge is not far from me actually, and he has a nice collection of old amps, we wanted to add an extra spice on the already good sounds we got, so I went there and basically turned some knobs and I brought the sounds to Andy…then we spent a few days on the mixing process to reach the sound that was in my head, all these guys are pros, the collaboration was just great.

7. Can you tell us about the significance of the title Divide and Konquer? What message are you trying to convey with this EP?

Divide and Konquer is self-explanatory, it is about the age we are living right now. It is about the powers that keep pushing people against people to obtain  does not let humanity see the control we leave in, we can rise, break the walls, the world could be better, it is  utopic of course, but this is the message.

8. The artwork for Divide and Konquer was created by Alcides Burn, and the music video was produced by Ingo Spörl. How did you collaborate with these artists to visually represent the music on the EP?

Alcides is a great artist and the right one for this job, you know typical situation, we made some drafts on paper, talked about the lyrics and few weeks later the comes with the entire thing ready, real artist. No comments!

Ingo the wizard of videos, same thing, send the music the lyrics, one or two ideas and then he comes with something great, fantastic video, and we almost got censored on YouTube…that is not the message corporations want to promote….anyways…

9. BreaKdowN has been around since 1998. How has the metal scene changed since you first started, and where do you see it heading in the future?

I believe you may have the same feeling, some things are exactly the same, you go to a local show or a larger one, very similar to the past… well we don’t trade tapes anymore…and all happens on the internet…it is faster! …regarding the music , you know every couple of years we got something new…but the underground scene is pretty much the same and will be in my opinion, the mainstream changes every couple f years with the genres of preference and so on, but pure metal will be here forever.

10. You’ve shared the stage with some major bands over the years. What have been some of your most memorable live experiences, and are there any upcoming live performances you’re particularly excited about?

Funny, most of my good memories and from local pubs and concerts, my great memories comes from small stages, when you have real people expecting real music then you have the spark and the gasoline…then it blows!!!  Actually, opening for major bands is cool, open doors and all… but needs to be done properly …I prefer small gigs and we debate a lot internally about that.

11. With Divide and Konquer out now, what are your plans for the rest of 2024 and beyond? Should we expect a full-length album soon?

We are writing, and preparing for live concerts , preparing a nice structure and elarning a bit here and there, I hope you hear about us soon…but yeah new music coming soon!  

12. For fans who have been with you since the beginning and those just discovering BreaKdowN, what can they expect from this new chapter of the band?

If you are with us since the beginning, you are old! Haha, thanks for the support! Oh I have so many names in my mind….For the newcomers, you are welcome, we are just normal people that love metal, welcome to the pit. Get in touch!

Metal Band | BreaKdowN - BKN

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