The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Dead Reckoning returns with their powerful new album RED, packed with intense riffs and raw emotion. We dive into their creative process, influences, and what's next!

1. First off, congratulations on the release of your new album RED! What was the main inspiration behind this album, and how does it differ from your previous work? 
This album we really tried to expand our ideas. Pushing the sounds more, tackling more meaningful moments in our lyrics and focusing hard on a product that in our opinion stands next to some of the great albums we were inspired by coming up. Our last album we were just trying to have our first album out so there was never a clear direction or ideas we just wrote and then put down anything that stuck to the album. I still enjoy both and I'm very proud but the work we put into RED really makes us stand out from our previous work.

2. Mike, as the founder of DEAD RECKONING and a former active duty soldier, how has your military experience influenced your approach to songwriting and the themes you explore on RED?
Well sadly I can't write lyrics very well (yet) haha but I do have a few lines I came up with here and there. It has allowed me to be able to sit and really focus and think out my songs as I write the music and even the solos once it is all said and done. I'm able to bring the band a more solid idea now and direction for what I want the end product to be. I also think my time in the military definitely has helped us get where we are now. A lot of bands kind of lack that focus and drive where you work and work no matter what to achieve a goal. I've allowed that to help me grow this monster and push her across the entire US showing what we do. I'm definitely very proud!  

3. Taylor, your return to the band brings a lot of energy, especially with your vocal performance on RED. How does it feel to be back, and what was your mindset going into the recording process?
Feels good to be back, been back for nearly 3 years going strong as I can. Went into the album with a story to tell, hardships and struggles in life, wanted people to hear a glimpse of my story on the songs I wrote and bring a connection.

4. DEAD RECKONING is known for its powerful live shows. How do you translate that high-energy, live performance vibe into the studio when recording tracks like the ones on RED?
Whew, that has been and is still continuing to be the hardest thing I have been trying to learn as the producer of the album. And I've heard it's one of the things most struggle to achieve but I do see moments that truly do show who we are and what we do live.....but live it's probably faster due to adrenaline hahaha .

5. With comparisons to bands like Lamb of God and Thy Art is Murder, how do you maintain your own unique sound while still paying homage to the heavyweights in the metal scene?
We honestly have had to try and force ourselves to have our own sound because of that. Even down to my guitar solos I've had to focus to not be called someone else. I want them to have their own moment in time. But at the end of the day we respect the hell out of those bands and when it happens we still take it as a huge compliment even when sometimes it has been used in a negative way somehow. Just makes us know we belong and have carved out a little hole in the scene for ourselves for as long as we are here.

6. The album RED is packed with heavy riffs, intricate drumming, and thunderous bass lines. Can you walk us through your creative process as a band when writing a song?
Most of these songs I write the main guitar riffs then I bring them to the band when I feel I have something. And the way we connect it's pretty amazing how fast we take that idea and bam within a practice or two we have 90% of the core song done. Then as we feel it's almost done we like to play them live a few times and see how our true energy is and also see what we feel works and doesn't and then we will record it from there. But from day 1 with each in this lineup we have always been able to knock out ideas quickly with very little resistance.

7. Ryan, your precision and power behind the drums set the tone for Dead Reckoning's sound. What was your approach to drumming on this album, and were there any particular tracks that pushed your abilities?
I would say in comparison to last album, I approached this album wanting to push myself out of my comfort zone and change it up a bit. Still have the power and speed of the bottom end but use the top end to emphasize key elements of the songs that the other members were doing. This was in efforts to make certain parts stand out more. Either way, this album really shows the chemistry and artistic connection we have as a whole. 
I would say Break Me and Better Off took a little bit more of a push for me as far as insurance and creativity.

8. Brian, your bass work adds a huge presence to the band's sound. How do you and Ryan work together to lock in that rhythmic foundation, and did you try anything new on RED?
I view my job in the band as being the glue that bonds the guitar to the drums and fills in all the cracks. I usually look at the notes Mike is playing on his guitar and listen to the beat Ryan is feeling and try and fuse the two together to build the bridge that ties it all together. As far as RED I approached the writing much differently by taking on a “less is more” mentality and shooting more for groove than brutality.

9. The album's title, RED, evokes a lot of imagery. What does the title symbolize, and how does it reflect the album's overall themes or messages?
RED to us symbolizes all those emotions we get in life where you just see RED and nothing more. The hard times of losing people, dealing with addiction of any kind, seeing the hardships around the world and just the dynamics in our personal lives. We tackled many topics, some to show the hypocrisy on both sides of politics or down to calling out the cancel culture of some people but turning a blind eye to others. And then just showing others that are struggling that it's ok to be vulnerable because in the end we all rise to the top! 

10. DEAD RECKONING has been in the metal scene since 2012. How do you feel the band has evolved over the years, and what lessons have you learned that shaped the creation of RED?
It has been a journey for sure! There is so much to learn if you wanna get the big dreams to come true and just learn to almost be your own record label. If you don't wanna be signed you have to do every single job they would do all on your own and it gets tough. But we have met so many good people out there on tour or just in industry that we have either seen or learned ways to make ourselves stand out and always leave people with an impression of us that they will always remember. If you meet us in person or you just see our live show I guarantee you won't forget us and we are very proud of that. For the album we just learned how to make it more professional sounding all around and we hope to continue learning more and more to push the next ideas as far as we can.

11. For fans new to DEAD RECKONING, which tracks on RED would you recommend they listen to first, and why?
Personally I'd say start with SCARS, Bullets and Agony and Break Me. All three truly show some amazing and just fun moments. But honestly we have set the album up so once you hit play on the first track it takes you on a journey. If you don't like one song you'll like the next. We have shown many different ideas in these songs and give all the right moments you want especially at a live show where I guarantee you'll have a killer time with us.

12. With RED now out in the world, what’s next for DEAD RECKONING? Do you have any touring plans or special events in the pipeline that fans can look forward to?
We just got done with 2 tours this year and had a blast with everyone. We are now working on some huge ideas for 2025 where we will be with some larger names and rumor has it even may have the opportunity to go overseas for the first time with our music and we are stoked!!! This year expect a new cover to be released. We have had fun changing to our style and maybe even a single or two before we start the next batch of tours!
We can't wait to see what's next.

Dead Reckoning National Metal Band (

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