The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Italian band SBARCO is set to release their debut album, blending raw emotions with atmospheric elements. We spoke to them about their creative process and future plans.

1. Congratulations on the upcoming release of your debut album Sbarco! Can you tell us about the creative process behind the album and how it came together?

The songs are all born from multi-instrumental ideas of Nebu; then obviously followed a work of customization and review by the whole band. In the composition lyrics comes last; we preferred to adapt the metric of words to music rather than the opposite.

2. The album’s track titles seem to follow a thematic progression, with songs like “The Landing,” “The Future,” and “The Dream.” How does this journey unfold across the album, and what do these titles represent for you?

The concept of songs, and obviously the song titles, want to recall chapters of a book. The story told in the album it develops in revers; the first chapter is the end of the story. The final chapter, chaotic and desperate, is where the story starts. The titles are functional in relation to the moment described in the song.

3. You describe the album as a “mental journey through fundamental themes” like loneliness, despair, love, and hope. How did you use maritime imagery to explore these universal emotions?

The choice of marine imagery was quite random; we really liked the idea of finding a link with the name of the band. Also in the period we were starting to think about the album structure I (Matt) was watching the TV series "The terror" and reading William Vollmann's "The Rifles"... So the maritime imagery was very familiar to me at the time! This imaginary seemed to me very functional in telling the story of man looking for some kind of redemption.

4. Your new single, “The Future,” delves into themes of uncertainty and living in the moment. What inspired this song, and how does it fit within the overall narrative of the album?

"The Future" is the acceptance of what cannot be changed united to the desire to act on everything that can depend directly on us and our actions; is the last awareness before landing.

5. SBARCO is made up of members who have experienced music in different ways. How did your diverse musical backgrounds influence the sound of this album?

This thing I think scared everybody a little bit at first; however, knowing each other better we found significant contact points. Especially me and Nebu have identified quite quickly the shared influences that we would have liked to carry in our project.

6. The album was recorded and mastered by Fabio "Trai" Intraina. What was the recording process like, and how did working with Fabio help shape the final sound of the album?

Fabio was instrumental in shaping the final sound of the project; structures were already defined and final but as far as sound is concerned, it was born in his studio! He is really a great guy (and also a great cook!).

7. The album has a mystical and evocative feel, exploring deep emotions. How do you balance the raw, heavy elements of your music with the more introspective and atmospheric aspects?

For our taste it was essential that there were both these aspects; things just don't fit neatly into right or wrong, black or white. We also band members are both tough and emotional; we are a scale of grey.

8. You’ve mentioned that the path in the album unfolds by itself, but is it relevant to question the endline? How do you interpret the album’s conclusion, or is it meant to remain open to interpretation?

The fact that it remains open to interpretation is part of the concept of the album; anyone can integrate and interpret what we did with their own emotions and experience.

9. You’ve signed with Argonauta Records for this release. What made you choose this label, and how has the collaboration with them impacted the release of your debut album?

Gero contacted us after we had already had contacts with realities that did not fully convince us. With Argonauta it was all very natural; we immediately found it a great launch pad.

10. As you prepare for the release of Sbarco, what are your hopes for the album, and what can fans expect from SBARCO in the future—both musically and in terms of live performances?

Obviously we hope that it will come and please as many people as possible! Our crew has grown; Vinnie joined the band a few months ago bringing even more grit and experience to the band. We are working to schedule some dates after the release party so... Stay tuned!


@sba.rco • Photos et vidéos Instagram

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