The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Twitchey47, an artist combining raw emotion and AI-driven music, shares how his personal experiences and struggles have shaped his creative journey and debut single, "Mood Swings".

1. First off, could you tell us how Twitchey47 came to be? What inspired you to start creating music with the help of AI?

I've been writing on and off since I was 14 years old after being heart broken for the first time but as for the nick name Twitchey47, that's a story people will need to wait a little longer for. I've never been able to find my voice due to time and money restrictions but after one day seeing an ad for a ai music app and that changed everything, I was finally able to make the music I've always wanted to make and express my feeling through that.

2. Your single "Mood Swings (Version 1)" covers heavy themes like society, mental health, and drug abuse. What inspired you to tackle these topics, and how do they reflect your personal journey?

My choice to tackle them topic range from my own experiences, since I first started smoking weed at 12 year old then since then have done every single drug besides a very few select ones, even to the point I was a 15 year old kid getting myself off meth and that is still one of my biggest achievements, I suffered anixtey and depression for most of my school life and as for society, I've always loved people but as ive grown older I've realised we all have just lost the plot like honestly what type of movie type shit are we living in atm.

3. You’ve mentioned that you’ve been writing since the age of 14 but struggled to find your voice. How has working with AI and using tools like Tully helped you finally express your lyrics and story?

I couldn't be anymore greatful for the opportunity's that Tully and Sunora ai has given me, from years of trying to teach myself to scream and sing and feeling like I was never going to get anywhere, too actually be able to get my name out there and express my story means the world to me. I would still love to get them lessons later in life and make a track that is fully me but for now I couldn't be happier with the results these apps have given me.

4. The song has two versions – one with an I Prevail influence and the other with a Ghostmane vibe. Can you explain what drew you to these particular styles and how you blended these influences into your music?

Both artist/band have an heavy influence into my life since I first got introduced to bring me the horizon at the age of 11 roughly, I'll never forget buying there sempiternal album and listening to it every night to fall asleep which lead me to other bands like I prevail and as for ghost mane I saw him live last year and out of all the rappers and metal bands I've seen he was definitely one of the top performers I've ever seen.

5. Recording at home and using AI is a unique approach. Can you share what the production process was like and any challenges or advantages you faced while creating "Mood Swings (Version 1)"?

The production is so easy and only takes about a hours worth of writing time then I put the lyrics and music style I want into an description then within 5 minutes I've got a fully professional produced song I normally make anywhere from 6 to 10 different versions of the song and pick my favourite 2 as the ai app doesn't always get it right.

6. Mental health plays a central role in your music. How has your personal experience with mental health shaped your artistic direction, and what do you hope listeners will take away from your songs?

Mental health has had a huge impact on my life from starting to self harm at the age of 9 when my father had left my mother and I was getting bullied at school too having panic attacks at the age of 13 and a never ending battle with my own mind, im hoping listeners will be able to relate and feel it's okay to have there story as hard as it might of been it's shaped you into who you are today and you should be proud of every battle scare and the mental wound only grows you as a person (for most) take that pain and turn it into energy to take back over your life. I feel as if every single person in my generation has suffered from mental health issues at some point of there life, music has always been my fall too when I'm down I just wanna be there for other people like my favourite artist and bands have been for me.

7. Although you're new to the music scene, your music has a raw, authentic quality. How important is it for you to maintain that emotional depth and honesty in your work?

Very important don't get me wrong I write my fun and happy type of tracks but the realise that writing and making music gives me nothing will ever replace that. Writing is like my dairy but coded.

8. You mentioned that you’ve faced many wake-up calls before getting to this stage in your life and music. Could you tell us more about these turning points and how they influenced your creative process?

From multiply near death experiences too having to lose everything in my life over and over again and even though these experiences have been traumatic I wouldn't take them back as I've learned very important life lessons from every mistake and action, I'm so proud of where I'be gotten too in life but Ive still have a long way to go.

9. Do you plan on performing live or taking "Mood Swings" to gigs or festivals in the future? What do you envision for your music on stage?

That's a very good question, I've had this thought and I would love too, concerts and festivals have always held a special place in my heart and have been some of the best experiences in my life, I even meet the love of my life at a festival (was technically the train station) but still haha. My only issue is with the Vocals being ai I haven't quite figured out how I would go about this.

10. What has been the most rewarding part of creating and sharing your music so far? Is there a particular reaction or moment that stands out to you?

Being only new to the fully creating songs process there isn't much but the feeling I get after I completed a song it's unbelievable better dopamine rush then drugs could ever give you.

11. Since "Mood Swings" is such a personal track, how do you approach vulnerability in your lyrics? Is it difficult for you to put such personal struggles out there for the world to hear?

No not really tbh I've always been a pretty open person I just normally deal out my pain in a comedy way and after having a 2 year period of what I call "turning my humidity switch off" once it switched back on I had one of the biggest down falls in my life so I've learned that opening up is crucial for some, I'm not a talker I don't like talking about my problems but music still gives me that it's escape and helps me actually progress my emotions.

12. Lastly, what’s next for Twitchey47? Do you have plans for more releases or future projects that our readers should look out for?

I do ! I have a song called everybody else coming out between the 26th of September and the 3rd of October which I'm really exited for I plan on trying to do at least one song at month but if I stay on track it will definitely be more, I always wanna get a lyric video made up for the song.

@Twitchey47 | Linktree

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