The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Announce the Apocalypse's new album Experience Machine blends thrash, death, and progressive metal, exploring a tragic protagonist's journey through simulated reality and personal anguish.

1. First of all, congratulations on the release of Experience Machine! Can you tell us a bit about the concept behind the album and how the story of the protagonist came to life?

Thank you! The concept of Experience Machine is about escaping reality through a simulation in which the person experiences the ideal life, a life meant for only pleasure. If given that opportunity would they plug in or is there more to life other than just pleasure? Knowing that concept made the protagonist's story develop naturally. 

2. The album follows a character going through depression and finding solace in a mysterious doctor. What inspired you to tackle such a heavy and emotional subject?

I have always been inspired by great tragedies in literature so writing about these themes was a natural process. I first heard about Robert Nozick’s thought experiment, “the experience machine” while listening to a podcast. I was fascinated with the idea of plugging into a simulated reality and forgetting everything you’ve known. I thought that concept in relation to personal anguish would make for a good story and a record that may have not been attempted in death metal or thrash.

3. Musically, Experience Machine blends thrash metal, melodic death metal, and progressive elements. How did you approach merging these styles while keeping the album cohesive?

The merging of all these different sub-genres was necessary to reflect the story of each track. It was a natural process of knowing what every song was about and creating music to coincide with the feel of what was happening. For example, in “State of Nihilism,” the character is expressing pure cynicism and disgust for society, so the song had to be heavy. Conversely, a song like “Dying Words” is slow and expresses dread from the character feeling numb and lifeless as a result of his girlfriend’s suicide. The album is a story and having these different sounds and elements is essential for a cohesive experience. It can’t all just be speed and aggression because that’s not indicative of a true storyline.

4. Each track seems to be an essential piece of the storyline. Can you walk us through your songwriting process? Did the lyrics or music come first for this project?

Exactly. Each track has a purpose to the story and is designed to fit the narrative and feel of whatever is happening for the character at that moment. The story was first conceived from beginning to end, then the music was composed. We knew what each song was tilted and what it was about, but the lyrics were written after the music was completed.

5. Sound effects and spoken dialogue are used to immerse the listener in the world you’ve created. How did you decide to incorporate these cinematic elements, and what role do they play in the overall experience?

I planned on creating an album that is analogous to a cinematic experience through the use of dialogue and effects. Those were necessary elements to elevate the album’s experience and provide that extra source of storytelling. Cinema has also been a huge inspiration, so I knew these elements had to be incorporated. Maybe someday there can be a film production for Experience Machine.

6. The character in the album faces a world on the brink of war and personal chaos. How much of this fictional narrative is influenced by the real-world tensions and events we see today?

The world in which the character is in was loosely based on today’s reality. War, personal anguish, and fallen society have played a theme in all of ATA’s music so it was necessary to keep that going for the setting in EXPERIENCE MACHINE.

7. “Dr Draven” and “Experience Machine” seem to be pivotal tracks in the story. Can you tell us more about their significance and how they shape the direction of the album?

Dr. Draven is essentially the last track on the first side of the record where the character of Dr. Draven introduces himself to the main protagonist. It’s a pivotal track because it provides hope but leaves the listener with questions. Experience Machine is the first song on the second part of the album where the main protagonist gets plugged into Draven’s machine; this sets the tone for the remainder of the album.

8. With 13 tracks and a runtime of 49 minutes, you’ve crafted a tightly packed experience. Was there any material or ideas left on the cutting room floor, or did everything find its way onto the final record?

Yes, the runtime was necessary for the story to be told. Everything that we prepared for made it on the album. There were thoughts of adding an extra track but it was decided that it wouldn’t add to the story so we never followed through with it.

9. You’ve worked with Sliptrick Records for this release. How has the partnership with the label impacted the development and release of Experience Machine?

The biggest variable was the exposure that Sliptrick was providing in releasing EXPERIENCE MACHINE. It was a great opportunity to expand on the album’s initial release to new audiences.

10. Looking at your influences, both musically and lyrically, what were some key inspirations that helped shape Experience Machine?

We wanted to do something that wasn’t prevalent in the death metal scene and that involved incorporating multi-genres to correspond with the feel and tone of each track. Pink Floyd’s The Wall was a significant inspiration behind how our music was composed and how each song had its own contribution that made it stand out from other tracks on the record.

11. Finally, now that Experience Machine is out, what’s next for Announce The Apocalypse? Do you have plans for touring, new projects, or expanding on this album’s story?

Yes! We are currently communicating with Sliptrick for a potential tour in the coming year. In the meantime, we are working on new material for the follow-up to EXPERIENCE MACHINE. I don’t want to give too much away but it may expand on where EXPERIENCE MACHINE left off... To be determined.


Announce the Apocalypse (@atathrash) • Photos et vidéos Instagram

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