The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Sheer Division's upcoming EP Saalammbö blends alternative metal, stoner, and grunge, with sci-fi influences and dark humor, delivering an intense, cathartic listening experience.

1. Your upcoming EP "Saalammbö" is set for release on October 21, 2024. What does this project mean to you, and what do you hope listeners will take away from it?

The project was to return to what first connected me to rock and more precisely to metal, its energy, its rhythm, its evocative power.

I hope listeners will find themselves in this catharsis and feel this little release that music can bring you.

2. You describe your music as a mix of alternative metal, stoner, and grunge. Can you elaborate on how you blend these genres and what influences have shaped your sound?

As a metalhead I can listen to really extreme or technical stuff like thrash and so unconsciously I absorb it, but It seems that in the end I always end up favoring simplicity and melody with a catchy riff.

Then obviously there are the vocal and technical constraints, I definitely don't have the voice of a screamer or growler, but that's good because for me the power of metal is in the winning trio guitar / bass / drums, the aggression must come from there, the voice comes then in counterpoint.

So yes, when we have to put a label on our music, so that people have a little idea of what we are, stoner, grunge and alternative metal are perhaps the closest things to it.

3. The lyrics for your songs are crafted in French and draw inspiration from sci-fi and fantasy artists like Asimov and Lovecraft. How do these literary influences impact your songwriting process?

My father introduced me to science fiction with Asimov very early on and since then I have been hooked.

I am fascinated by the infinite possibility of universes and situations that lead to profound philosophical reflection.

For a song like Saalammbo I developed a whole story and a universe of which we can already glimpse something in the video clip.

It's important to have a background when developing a story even if it's just in a song.

it creates a consistency, an invisible structure that we can feel

4. You incorporate elements of dark humor and nihilism into your lyrics. How do these themes manifest in your music, and what message do you aim to communicate?

This is my punk heritage, ninihilism is the despair of the romantics.

This is where my dark humor comes in, my nihilism is an idealism that happily crashes against the concrete wall of reality.

and believe me or not, the message is positive

5. you (Jérôme Simonian) produced and mixed the EP, while Raphaël Léger handled the mastering. How did their expertise contribute to the overall sound and quality of "Saalammbö"?

I worked for a long time in a venue called Mistral Palace (in fact I participated in its creation) as a live sound technician, so I had the skills to record, mix and produce and I knew exactly what I wanted. Raphaël as a mastering engineer brought an external ear to refine the sound and bring the necessary final touch that I was waiting for.

6. The artwork by The_Red_Plague adds a visual dimension to your music. How important are visuals to your overall artistic expression, and what do you feel the cover art conveys about the EP?

I love science fiction and fantasy illustrations, especially those from the era of heavy metal magazines or 2000AD. Many bands have already borrowed their imagination for their covers, and to illustrate the title song of Saalammbo the work of the_red_plague seemed perfectly designed to me.

I know the cover art can mislead the listener into thinking they're going to come across a death metal band.or whatever… but for me This illustration is perfectly adapted to the content and the universe of the record.

7. You mentioned wanting to awaken the “awful pimply teenager” in your listeners. Can you discuss what this concept means to you and the kind of audience you hope to reach?

When you're young, you're covered in acne, angry and rebelling against society, but with time, you forget the injustices and fall into line. I just hope our music can reawaken that spark in the listeners' hearts.

8. What can fans expect from your live performances? How do you bring the energy of your recordings to the stage?

Tightness, powerness, energy and fun, We've been rehearsing for a while to be ready to smash everything

On stage we are 2 guitars, Xavier Chaquet and myself and on bass we have Marie-Hélène Rattin, the drums are entrusted to a midi programming machine into which I have injected possibilities for improvisation.

We are still looking for a Drummer but we haven't found it, it remains a very demanding instrument which does not allow for approximation.

9. With influences like Red Fang, Helmet, and Deftones, how do you ensure that your sound remains unique while still paying homage to your inspirations?

Once again these influences are only there as a reference, these are bands that I like a lot but my musical spectrum extends from prince to Slayer,

I assimilate those influences and transcend it in my music which then becomes unique. It's not wildly original but it's a creative process that many musicians are familiar with.

10. After the release of "Saalammbö," what are your plans for the future? Are there any upcoming tours or new projects in the works?

We are a young band and the next step is to make ourselves known and therefore to tour while recording. I think we will keep the EP format but maybe release a 6-track next time.

the production of a second video clip is also a project, I made the first one and had a lot of fun so I hope to continue in this direction

11. How do you engage with your fanbase, and what role do they play in your creative process and development as a band?

At this stage we have a very limited fanbase, everything remains to be done, we are counting on word of mouth to be able to gather an army, or at least a division ;-)

12. Is there anything else you would like to share about SHEER DIVISION or the upcoming EP that we haven’t touched upon in this interview?

Share the clip and like it, I think it's an excellent entry into our universe, then you can discover the other tracks which each have their own style.

Thanks you for you support !

grunge stoner alt-metal band from france (

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