Covering AC/DC’s Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap is no small feat, but Ed Gage embraced the challenge, enlisting legends Steve Grimmett and John Gallagher. In this interview, he shares insights on the project, influences, and future plans.
1. What
inspired you to cover AC/DC’s "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap," and why
did you choose this particular song?
I had always been a huge fan of AC/DC since I was a kid, so I wanted to put out
my own version of a cover. My version will never be as great as the original,
but I hope people will enjoy my take on it.
2. How did the collaboration with Steve Grimmett and John Gallagher come
about? What was it like working with such legendary musicians?
I approached both of them as they were already friends of mine about recording
a studio track that would be a cover and they were automatically on board.
Getting the work with them was such a huge blessing. And to call them my
friends is an honor. I miss Steve dearly, I was supposed to guest perform with
him in November 2022, but unfortunately the universe had other plans.
3. The recording and filming took place in multiple locations. What were
some of the challenges of putting this project together remotely?
I think that it took a lot of time because we were all not in the same place.
But we managed to pull through it and pull it off.
4. AC/DC is known for their raw, energetic sound. How did you approach
capturing that spirit while adding your own personal touch?
I wanted to sound as original as possible, but also make sure that it would
have that same raw energy as AC/DC. I knew it wouldn't be an easy task, but I
think we pulled it off pretty well.
5. Can you share any memorable behind-the-scenes moments from the recording
or filming process?
I think just the fact that I knew that this was going to be a phenomenal
project, I already knew it was gonna blow people's minds when we were working
on it.
6. Beyond AC/DC, your influences include Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and
W.A.S.P. How do these influences shape your style as a musician?
I think the raw, theatrical and energetic approach that they have shaped my
style. They're not afraid of pushing beyond the limits and boundaries and
that's exactly where I take a lot of influence from. I'm not afraid to push
beyond my limits.
7. You’ve played with members of Anthrax, W.A.S.P., and Lita Ford, among
others. How have these collaborations influenced your growth as an artist?
It shows me that my collaboration with them shows that I can be as great as
them. That if I've managed to collaborate with such names, I'm on a good path
to greatness.
8. You’re also an actor, martial artist, and stuntman. Do you find any
similarities between music and the film industry?How do you balance both
Absolutely, they're both very competitive industries. But I love being a part
of these industries. I'm in it for the passion of it. Balancing them is
definitely a challenge. But I like a challenge.
9. The song has received praise from legends like Paul Di’Anno and Tony
Dolan. What does that kind of recognition mean to you?
Getting recognition from them meant the whole world to me. Especially from
Paul, Paul was such a good friend and I'm happy that he was a part of my life.
His girlfriend told me after he had passed that he said that I reminded him of
himself when he was younger. I actually cried when she told me that. That will
forever stick with me.
10. Looking ahead, do you have any plans for original music, more covers, or
any upcoming projects we should keep an eye on?
I do, I plan to put out some more music. I don't want to say too much but I am
working on some new stuff. I'm always staying active.
11. If you could put together a dream lineup for a full-length album, which
musicians would you love to collaborate with?
Well, I just might be collaborating with some future names. I won't say who.
But if there's some names, I would definitely love to have a chance to work
with Rob Halford, Tim Ripper Owens, King Diamond, Ace Frehley and much more I
could mention.
12. For fans discovering your music through this AC/DC cover, what message
do you have for them?
Hope you enjoy this take on such an iconic song!
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