The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

In this interview, Jerry Witunsky of Ancient Death discusses the band's upcoming debut album Ego Dissolution, its introspective themes, evolving sound, and the creative process behind their most ambitious release yet.

1. Your debut full-length album, Ego Dissolution, is set to release on April 18th via Profound Lore Records. What does this album represent for you as a band, and how does it expand on the themes from your previous releases?
Jerry: Ego Dissolution showcases the band at its most fierce and creative thus far. We really delved further into even more atmospheric tones on this record, while upping the heaviness and intensity.

2. The album title suggests a deep, introspective journey. Can you elaborate on the concept of “ego dissolution” and how it manifests in the music and lyrics?
Ego Dissolution represents the loss of one’s self from either positive or negative experiences. The lyrics and music are interconnected. You can’t have one without the other. This album is about growth and healing.

3. Your music blends progressive and technical death metal with cosmic atmospheres. How do you approach songwriting to maintain this balance between aggression and atmosphere?
Honestly, we just write what feels natural. Our music is an extension of ourselves. It’s like emotions… we’re not all sad and angry but also not all calm and happy. We’re all those things blended into one. And our music reflects that. There’s a lot of improvising and reworking on all these songs, as we grow as individuals and musicians. I think something that also benefits our music is we don’t try to force unnecessary parts or ideas in it. We just let what feels right take hold. Sometimes that’s a calmer part, sometimes heavier… or sometimes both. But whatever feels right for us in that moment is how we approach our songwriting.

4. You’ve mentioned that the album explores emotions like grief, love, personal growth, and isolation. Was there a specific life experience or moment that heavily influenced the lyrical direction of Ego Dissolution?
The lyrical content is honest and genuine emotions I’ve experienced or still do. They’re essentially journals from my thoughts and personal life. I wouldn’t say there is one specific life experience, but rather all of them that influence these songs. The themes on this record are a lot more personal and darker, but also there is a lot of love and light within it too. I think in order to heal we need to embrace all our experiences and emotions.

5. The album was recorded and mixed by Seth Manchester at Machines With Magnets and mastered by Dan Lowndes. How did their expertise shape the final sound of the record?

Going into recording this album we had a clear vision of what we wanted. Seth truly captured that vision, but also provided amazing feedback and ideas that truly elevated the songs. Seth is extremely proficient and patient so that was a huge help as we recorded the album in only five days. But he allowed us the space to be us. The same goes for Dan. He is such a mastering legend and musician in his own right. He was able to put the final touches on this album in the way we needed, which was dynamic but ripping.

6. Your lineup includes members from bands like Atheist, Cruciamentum, and Churchburn. How do your individual influences and past experiences shape Ancient Death’s overall sound?
I think all of us just bring our full authentic self and musicality to the band. As a whole we don’t ever try to recreate another band's sound, but sometimes we may further expand on particular moods or atmospheres bands have previously explored. If anything, it's probably more of a blend of all our influences into one. 

7. The track titles evoke a strong sense of journey and transformation. Could you break down a specific song from the album that you feel best encapsulates its themes?

As pretentious as this sounds, I honestly feel that every song is just as important as the other. They all are connected and I feel that singling out a particular song takes away from the point of this record, which is about embracing all of the parts of ourselves.

8. The cover art by Maegan LeMay is stunning. What was the vision behind the artwork, and how does it connect to the music?
Maegan did such a fantastic job and she truly captured our vision in every way. We couldn’t thank her enough. The cover is based on our song “Breathe - Transcend (Into the Glowing Streams of Forever)”, which deals with my views on life and death. The eyes represent all our emotions, experiences, and beliefs but also others' opinions that make us who we are. But those are all released back into the Earth and to others. I truly feel we’re all connected.

9. You have an upcoming show on April 6th with Vastum, Goetia, and Anthropophagous. What can fans expect from Ancient Death in a live setting?
Imagine seeing Pink Floyd on acid in the ‘70s and combining that with the classic Altars of Madness era Morbid Angel.

10. Your 2022 Sacred Vessel EP and 2023 split single with Putridarium were well received. How has your sound evolved since those releases leading up to Ego Dissolution?
We’ve tried a lot of new things with this release, while still keeping the authentic sound of our band. Lyrically and musically we’re at our most vulnerable, but this record all around is heavier, more technical, progressive, and dark while also having calmer and more beautiful passages. The four of us all feel like we’ve truly created something special with this album.

11. What role does spirituality or philosophy play in your music? Does Ancient Death have a particular worldview that influences your creative process?
As individuals we’re all pretty spiritual and introspective in our own way. On a personal level I meditate and am constantly trying to look deeper within myself, while also paying attention to my outer world and surroundings. Growth is very important to me. But our band isn’t based on any specific philosophy. I think we’re just trying to understand ourselves and each other more. Ancient Death creates that space for us and is a place to truly escape.

12. With the album release and upcoming live dates, what’s next for Ancient Death? Any plans for a tour or further collaborations?
We plan on doing a mid to late summer tour this year, so definitely keep an eye out for that. We hope you all enjoy Ego Dissolution. Thank you to everyone who has supported that band so far. And thank you so much for taking the time for this interview. Worship the true cosmic flow that is… ANCIENT DEATH!

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